Hello Mnem,
Like you I am a healthcare worker from NZ who had hep c so I can truly appreciate and identify with the implications, stress and stigma you experienced when you first found out. For those of you that are unaware healthcare workers (in most instances) have to disclose their status of a communicable disease to their employer and worse still may face having to be stood down from their role. Stigma surrounding HCV in healthcare is as ever present as it is anywhere - and in some cases much worse.
In November 2015 I first found out about generic treatment and in December I flew to Tasmania to collect a 12 week course of sof/led. I finished treatment in Feb 2016 and I was still detectable however I went undetected 4 weeks post treatment and have remained that way since reaching SVR 24 in early August.
I want to wish you all the best and every success for your journey and go you for getting off the fence and taking matters into your own hands. I hope your hepatologist are being supportive with your choice...If not please refer them to the NZ Hepatitis Foundation as they endorse the use of generics sourced via Fix Hep C, there are also many articles/features in the Talking Hep C publication that take doctors and specialist through the generic pathway.