4 more pills left for the first 4 weeks and no side effects so far. I have 2 alarms set for 7PM and all doses have been taken within an hour of this time. I've tripled my water intake and the initial weight loss has stabilized (13 Lbs in the first 2 weeks). I have my referral for my 4 week blood work due on the 19th. Quantitative RNA /Ferritin levels / CBC . No AST for this one but I will get that for my EOT bloodwork. Much higher energy levels and no compulsory naps after work.
I am using disposable razors now and 3 days tops and they get trashed , tooth brush for the last four weeks is a pack of 20 cheapie ones pitched after 3 days of use as well. My main brush (Sonic Care is sorely missed and I bought new brush heads for it when I finally get to use it again.). L-Arginine and L_Lysine intake is through natural source only (red meat , fish and chicken) Just in case. No energy drinks and no supplements except Centrum 50+ , Omega 3 , 50 mg zinc and 1000 IU of D3 12 hours away from the dose.