update on my treatment : day 7 week 1 completed . The Tinnitus continues being in the range of 5/10 intensity. Most difficult time is trying to sleep. However It may also be some insomnia weighing in as that is a common side effect of sof/led. The slightly drugged feeling I was having when taking the capsules post 1 hour has completely gone,. No headaches, no nausea. Definitely increased wellbeing, energy and feeling less of a tendency to become grumpy . Better moods. Apart from the ringing in my ears I can say this is a very good start. I recently shared emails with our leader Mr. Greg Jefferys discussing Api from china, he confirmed for me that the quality is excellent and there is no difference in treatment quality with taking two capsules of sof/led compared with the new gens of single tablets which are coming from India and Bangladesh. I thought this is worth mentioning as new names of treatments are changing and being offered, it is sometimes confusing as to what to do and which one to take to give yourself the best treatment. I think the best advice for all of us is take action buy ASAP because we cannot know how long these avenues will be open. But Iam beginning to think this is way too big and powerful for anything to stop it now.