I still have a very bad memory of the hangover that led to my hep diagnosis. This was about 15 years ago. Allow me to share.
Biggest party ever and I went completely overboard with pingers and alcohol + a big reefer on the walk home
As soon as my eyes opened after a pass out sleep I knew I was in trouble
The violent convulsive heaving was so extreme my face would go purple as I almost choked from lack of air
It was like my stomach was trying to force itself out through my mouth in the most violent way possible
Once the worst of the convulsions passed i slumped on the tiles (I was driving the porcelain bus)
Minor convulsions had me sounding like a walrus as i lay there heaving, swearing and groaning at the severity of it
I was sweating profusely but freezing cold but my forehead was burning up
My head felt as though a hammer drill was driving between my eyes, while my eyes felt like they were being squeezed in a vice
The pain was relentless, but lying in bed the fear would rise as a slight, horrible gurgle in the pit of my stomach started
No please, no. Not again. Please no. I was pleading - probably how my liver was pleading with me the night before. it was pay back time!
The gurgle would intensify as my mouth filled with saliva. I would hold off as long as I could because I knew what was coming
Just as the first convulsion started I would leap out of bed and plunge my head in the bowl as the whole sorry process started again
This kept up for the best part of 15 hours. My partner wanted to call an ambulance but I wouldn't hear of it. Best to ride it out. Idiot (me not her)
Well into the next morning i started feeling a little better and the convulsions stopped
After some more hours i was able to keep down a pain killer and finally get some sleep once the intense migraine in my head went
Into the night I was able to get out of bed and watch some TV. A few more hours and I could eat a little.
I felt sick for the rest of the week and couldn't stand the thought of alcohol for over 6 months. Just the thought of the taste made me feel sick.
I was pretty fit and otherwise healthy at the time, surfing 5 days a week and working out as well
I knew it wasn't food poisoning or similar as I'd always suffered from over the top hangovers - just nowhere near this bad
i was always perplexed that my mates could drink more than me and feel relatively OK
I had been drinking since about 16, and a lot, but couldn't seem to have a big drink without being bed ridden the next day
I went to see a naturopath who said that key factors led to my liver being compromised. She also had a medical degree and sent me for blood tests
I have to admit I was floored when the positive result came back
It reminded me that I used to hit up with people I knew had hep
But at the time I just thought hep was something you got from eating dodgy food overseas
Anyhoo, just a little story that came to my mind reading this thread
I have had 2 bed ridden hangovers since but the last was 3 years ago
I'm confident that I will never have another again as i am far more careful, if not sensible, these days lol
I actually consider that in many ways my hep has been a positive in my life
I really cleaned up the drinking and drugging and did a naturopothy degree as I wanted to focus on natural health
I kind of wanted to say sorry to my body for all the shit and disrespect I had shown it for a long time
It has shaped my life as far as working from home and concentrating on exercise and rest rather than income
I can honestly say until now (apart from my previous tx) that it really hasn't shown me too many negatives that I can think of
i think because of it I am fitter and healthier than i would have been otherwise
I don't know this for a fact, but if I think it's true, then that becomes the reality doesn't it
I know that the eventual consequences can be dire, but the eventual consequences of life can be dire anyway
I know many people for whom that is, or in some cases was, true - and through no fault of their own necessarily
Anyhoo, I've thought about this virus more in the past 4 months than I have in the past 12 years
So I get to musing about things and like to have a whinge, nag, prattle on etc
And what better place to do it than with the wonderful people on here
Peace love and happy apples to all