Hi Keith,
I've been reading your posts and meaning to write and wish you luck with it all. You are in very good hands now and I'm sure you will rid yourself of this horrible disease at last.
It's interesting what you say about the response you've had from the various attitudes of the doctors regarding the generic medication, and your idea of maybe starting a thread to give more information about those hospitals who are more willing to help is a good one. I've had nothing but opposition from the hospital and my GP very reluctantly agreed to monitor me as "if anything happens to you then I didn't write the prescription" - how encouraging! So yes she is monitoring me - but I use the term loosely as basically all she's done is provide the various blood forms, and on one occasion rang me with some of my results, leaving another GP who wasn't aware of my situation to phone me with the viral load result. For my latest 9 week check I just picked up the printed forms from the surgery - no phone call at all.
I used to dread going to the liver clinic at the hospital for my yearly check and would do my utmost to see the one doctor there who didn't upset me or try to scare me into taking interferon which I made abundantly clear wasn't an option for me. What really surprised me that it was clear from my records that I'd got my ALT levels down from 150 to 49 by taking prescribed Chinese herbs, and instead of showing some interest in this I would get the usual speech about side effects (none) and potential long term health problems, even though my liver has no scarring after decades with this disease, and I'm certain that this is down to 8 years of Chinese herbs and acupuncture.
I found out about the new drugs sof/dac on my last yearly check at the hospital, but was then told as I'm 2b and treatment naive I wasn't eligible, unless of course I wanted to try the interferon first, and if that failed then I would be eligible for the new drugs. Knowing that there was an alternative to the interferon and being denied it really rocked my world. Then through a friend of a friend who was on this redemption trial I joined it myself and am now 68 days into my meds, still RNA detectable unfortunately but I'm a slow responder and am certain I will get there eventually.
The friend who put me on to this site has now completed her treatment as has got rid of the hep, she was fortunate in that her local GP surgery incorporated a liver clinic and she was dealt with in a much more positive way than in my experience. In fact I feel very let down by the NHS as I've paid privately for various treatments for years in an effort to improve my health which has taken up most of my disposable income, and as you say we are saving them grands by buying the medication ourselves.
So thank God for all those who set up and run this site, I would have been lost without the words of encouragement and the patience I've been shown in how to negotiate this site. Not forgetting the fantastic feed back to my questions and concerns from Dr. J and everyone else who has written to me.
Anyway Keith, rant over about liver clinics and GP's - I know that everyone is different and I've just been unlucky with who I've had to deal with. I wish you all the very best of everything in your journey to good health.
2b diagnosed about 10 years ago
Alt was 150 but got it down to a consistent 49 with Chinese herbal medicine
Started dac/sof 27/03/17
4 week test - liver function normal - alt 31
full blood count normal
RNA detected 26 IU/ml Log = 1.42
9 week test 26/05/17
bloods and liver function normal - alt 27
RNA detected <10 IU/ml