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Searched for: treatment
09 Feb 2020 21:04
Hi Jimmy6429,

Great to hear from you! Thanks for checking in.

I know it's true but it's hard to believe we've been doing this for going on 5 years and patients are getting to SVR208 and beyond.

I reckon at 4 years we can definitely ditch the "Sustained Virological Response" and call it cured.

Category: FixHepC Admin
09 Feb 2020 18:39
Hi Bobby,

There are no concerns with local anesthetics and Epclusa or with Epclusa and dental work.

If you are more than 4 weeks into the treatment it is highly likely you have no viral load and therefore are non-infectious (although your dentist should be using universal precautions and working like EVERYONE is infected with something).

Best of luck with the treatment.

Let us know how it all goes.
Category: Experts Corner
08 Feb 2020 21:50
Hi Cherr1985, your story reminds me of my experience with generics, a few headaches and some insomnia, think I drank a lot of water and the headaches subsided, I'm some 4 years cured now, my VL(in the millions) was typically ugly from memory, but that's all it is now a distant memory, generic Sof/Dac for 6 weeks I think, when i got the UD from Doc I was like WTF your kidding me, it was that easy, can't thank Doc enough and everyone else at FixhepC, so thanks for reminding me Cherr1985, our experience is a wonderful gift we can share, just to spread the word as you have done . I hung on my monthly bloods for six months, then a year passed still UD, then 2 years, now its just a memory, good luck with it, these new generics sound amazing.
Category: FixHepC Admin
07 Feb 2020 10:14
Hi Cherr1985,

The word “undetectable” never gets old! Keep on rolling.... you’ve got this!

May your God walk with you always.
Category: FixHepC Admin
29 Jan 2020 16:27
Hi Cherr1985,

Thanks for posting an update. It's good to hear that things are going well and you are starting to feel the benefits of the treatment which will continue long after the medication stops. I also experienced headaches and I found that drinking more water than usual was really important.

Keep taking every single one of those pills Cherr1985. Not so long to go now.

Category: FixHepC Admin
26 Jan 2020 16:13
Hello Cherr1985,

Glad to hear you have more energy. That’s pretty common. Headaches are in the list of known side effects. The dehydration one is not, but it’s real which is why most people who’ve taken it suggest keeping well hydrated.

Over 1/2 way now!
Category: FixHepC Admin
26 Jan 2020 12:21
I am on my 47 day of taking harvoni. Done with the first bottle and I am almost done with the second one. Only have about a week of pills left for the second bottle to finish. So I am almost on my third which is my last bottle. Over all I feel good. Before the treatment I felt tired but now I don't feel like that anymore. I have more energy and I feel strong. But as far as negative side effects I feel at times that I can get dehydrated really easily ,either because of the harvoni and or suboxone. I am also prescribe suboxone. That is why I drink lots of water. But every once in a while I have gotten headaches, so that is why I drink more water. So the only 2 negative side effects, which I did not feel before I started on harvoni are headaches once in a while, and more vulnerability to dehydration. Overall the positive side effects have over weighted the negative side effects. I haven't felt this good in a decade. I feel that my liver is working better. I am also hep c viral load undetectable. So I know that the harvoni is working.
Category: FixHepC Admin
25 Jan 2020 14:26
Thank you for your input. God blesss.
Category: FixHepC Admin
21 Jan 2020 04:44
Hello there. I am on my second month of Sofosbuvir& Velpatasvir tablets. I have recently developed a sebaceous gland abscess on my neck that is infected. I’ve seen a doctor who prescribed Cefproz 500mg twice daily and Loxoprofen 60mg three times daily. I tried checking on the drug interactions chart but couldn’t find the exact drugs. Could you kindly confirm that it’s ok for me to start these new drugs whilst on my treatment. Thank you.
20 Jan 2020 19:07
Hi Cherr 1985,

That's such good news and by now it will be 7 weeks to go. Well done for putting your health first as it will pay lots of dividends for you and everyone in your life. Looking forward to hearing your results. #flower
Category: FixHepC Admin
14 Jan 2020 22:14
Great news Cherr1985!

Onwards and upwards...

Keep kicking the virus until you finish the pills. We don't want to give it a chance to get back up again.
Category: FixHepC Admin
14 Jan 2020 20:18
Hi Cherr, that's really great, it's actually not strange to be undetected after 4 weeks, happens with about 80% of treated patients, the new medications are that awesome. You're definitely on the right path now for reaching cure, keep taking every pill on time and don't stop until you finish the very last pill, that's essential. Really looking forward to hearing news of your cure from Hep C 3 months after you finish treatment :+1: :+1:
Category: FixHepC Admin
14 Jan 2020 19:59
I did my 4 week viral load test last Friday and my results show that I am undetectable. These medications work so good. I wasn't expecting to be undetectable on my 4 week. Because I had a high viral load. The last viral load test
I took was in 2017 and it was 4 million. I noticed since taking my very first viral load back in 2015 all the way to 2017 : my viral load went from 1 million to 4 million. So if my viral load was 4 million in 2017, maybe in 2019, it could have even been 5 to 6 million. That's if the trend of increasing had continued. But at this point it don't matter. I am very happy to be undetectable in only week 4. I still have 8 more weeks to go of harvoni treatment. Thanks to fixhepc for everything. I come a long way to when I very first made contact to when I decided to buy it and to when I got the medicines and to where I am now. I always new fixhepc was legitimate; I wasn't ready to make the purchase because I had to go to Ethiopia to see my wife so my priorities were in that. But I stared thinking that my health is the most important thing ever and having hep c is not really being healthy. No matter if you have a low or high viral load or no liver damage. You still have a virus.
Category: FixHepC Admin
13 Jan 2020 09:02
Thank you so much for your thorough answers!!! It definitely puts my mind at ease that my liver is not cirrhotic or damaged greatly. That was my greatest concern since finding out that have this virus.

The next step is treatment, and I’m hopeful that insurance will cover a portion and hopefully can qualify for a copayment card through Mavyret. That’s been another fear is not being able to afford the treatment even with insurance.

I’m grateful to have found this forum and know I will always have a backup option for treatment as well. You’ve been most helpful!
Category: Viral Load Results
13 Jan 2020 08:23
Hello joy2world

The homogonous echo texture means your liver looks uniform (ie not very fibrotic/cirrhotic)

Your liver makes bile which is a mixture of detergent to help digestion and waste products that end up in your stool. The hepatic ducts are in the liver and are joined by the cystic duct from the gall bladder (a storage reserviour for bile) to form the common bile duct. The common bile duct goes through your pancreas to get to your duodenum which is part of your gut tube.

Anyway, your common bile duct is slightly larger than the usual 6 mm and this has been commented on. The reasons can include being born that way, having a stone in the duct blocking it, some medications, or a tumour. The "etiology (reason) for this is unclear" means that a stone can't be seen, a tumour can't be seen ie there is no obvious reason for it.

The further imaging can be performed as clinically indicated is a standard clause so that the radiologist can blame the ordering doctor for not ordering more tests if it turns out that the cause was serious.

It's probably nothing, but should be looked into/kept an eye on by your doctor.
Category: Viral Load Results
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