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Searched for: treatment
05 Oct 2015 19:34
Funny you mention magnesium calcium and vitamin D

I am not a believer in artificial vitamins, especially vitamin D. You can not synthesise sunshine IMO. I also believe it is not Vit D but D2/3. I believe they are carcinogens.

Here is something for you to think about:
The chlorphyll molecule and the red blood molecule are identical except they have different central atoms. Chlorophyll has a central atom of Magnesium, red blood has a centre of iron. Green "plant blood" is changed to red human blood cells by the action of sunshines voltage on the skin. The by product of this process is calcium. So you see all these things are connected directly. What you need is more sunshine and more raw fresh greens in your diet. It's the natural way to build red blood cells, get magnesium, get calcium and get the correct vitamin D.

This is a very basic description but hopefully it entice you to find your healing in the way nature provides.

Green is your medicine. Sunshine is your friend.
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 17:19
Hi Vicki,
I'm not sure about supplements. My nurse was going to check with the pharmacist about vit D and calcium I am prescribed but for now I've stopped taking them just in case.
I think Dr Freeman is the best person to ask this question.
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 17:14
Half time result.
4 week VL results of 12 week Sof/Dac/Riba treatment. GT 1b, F 3/4. July VL 480,000

24 September 2015 VL................Not Detected.

Science 1

Go science!

Will post results later. Gotta get dinner ready.

Category: Viral Load Results
05 Oct 2015 16:55
Hi Alan, may I direct you to the site where we are discussing this aspect more fully.

It is a FaceBook page "Hepatitis C treatment without borders"

The short answer is yes. Go for it. You can get a doctor there to give you a script but it may not be necessary.

I believe there is tests being done right now by people on this site and the FB page and results from Twinvir tests will be available any day.
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 13:41
You can import three months at a time. This does not mean you have to wait three months to import your next lot.

No issue my friend. As Meso have closed their doors to individual supply I would imagine Fixhepc will be your provider. In that case I think you will find they have this issue under control

If you are using Indian sofosbuvir through Greg Jefferys then the same would apply.
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 13:14
Hi, I was hoping someone could tell me how to go about procuring a 24 week supply of daclatasvir and sofosbuvir given that I'm only allowed to import a 12 week supply?, I assume the 24 week course would need to be taken without interruption of medication, can someone shed any light on this dilemma?, the only logical play out of this scenario to me would be to stockpile the first 12 week supply and then import the second 12 week course after the original 3 month medication was due to be used up?,

i also would like to applaud the team at 'FixHepC' , I and many more now have a reason to hope, I put no faith in cabinet approval for a PBS listing, and who could blame them at the price the pharmaceutical companies are asking.
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 08:08
That;s great to hear Nadia. I'm feeling more confident about my decision now. What a steep learning curve, so much information.

Do you know much about taking vitamin supplements while on these medications? I am prone to migraine and started taking a magnesium supplement, which has worked wonders for me. I stopped taking any herb or vitamin supplements as soon as I started on 'the cure'. I usually take my magnesium in the evening. I take my sof/dac in the morning. I'm wondering if this would be ok?

All the very best
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 06:33
Sov/Dak costs the NHS about £20,000 more than Harvoni per 12 weeks:


It's a purely cost-driven decision to treat G1's with Harvoni.
Category: Patient Stories
05 Oct 2015 05:31
Good to hear Nadia, long may it continue that well.

What I am trying to understand I guess, is are there any differences showing between the Harvoni and the Sofo/DAC treatments. Are there any over 50 GT1s with aches and pains pre treatment on here who have taken Harvoni? Or are there any reports on either treatments to compare? Etc I am doing my homework :)

If I need to get a prescription, I have to decide what for.
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 05:19
The final appraisal from NICE for NHS England is due this coming November, then it will probably take 3 months from that date. Then it will be up to the NHS commissioners and local hospitals. There will be waiting lists, so I believe the triple sofo/Interf/Riba may well be offered to many who don't wish to wait. Some have been told waiting list is 2 years already. I guess it will depend on your post code. I know someone with cirrhosis who has not yet started treatment, all those patients are supposed to have started treatment by now. Unbelievably, there are people being offered the old triple here in England! As for me, I was mainly talking about my initial feeling when first diagnosed and in response to Nadia's comment above. Lasts bloods showed 'strong auto-immune response' - I need to do what I have to do if treatment isn't forthcoming and have other health issues I believe are caused by the virus., even then, if all goes well NHS England will only offer 8 weeks Harvoni. I guess the logic is many will clear and it'll be cheaper to re-treat the 6% or so that may fail. We are waiting to see what NICE say, but in reality, it will be down to individual hospital budgets and where you are on the list. So we have to wait for NICE then see our consultants for adise in our area, I don't think there will be identical treatment options in every region. Hope I'm wrong, but that's what I've deducted from a variety of articles, videos and professional opinions, you know? Things are different in Scotland and Wales. Scotland have officially got rid of Interferon treatment for GT1s. Go Scotland !
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 04:56
Who is suggesting you take interferon? Surely the NHS offers Haveron as a stand alone treatment.
Category: Q & A
04 Oct 2015 20:11
That makes sense. Dac's only just been approved in the US, and Harvoni is fairly recent in Europe.So I expect we'll be hearing a lot more about Sof/Dac G1 treatment in the coming months.
Category: Patient Stories
04 Oct 2015 20:00
Greg wrote about a 'worst case scenario' getting his Indian Sof into the US here:


It's the 8th August entry.
04 Oct 2015 19:12
There is no reason to think it won't, but not for old patients who no longer have an exposure risk.

By definition if you fail treatment your viral load is going to contain a lot of relatively resistant clones. Your treatment just selected them.

Now these are probably going to be less functional but, if you were treated, treatment failed, then you passed that virus on, there is 1 extra person with a relatively Sof/Dac or Sof/Led resistant version of HCV.

This problem will occur in our goals (jails) where carriage rates of 30%+ are common. If say we treated that population for OH&S reasons we know that a number of treatment success stories (from the PEG/Riba days) will come back into jail reinfected. So they are still using unsafe IVDU practices.

If those felons got the virus from the wild it should be the usual sort, but if they were in jail treatment failures and passed it on, now we have resistant stuff floating around in the community in a group that are not being careful.

In Tasmania we incarcerate 1500 people a year. 30% (600) have HCV. Of the 900 who enter jail HCV negative about 12.5% exit HCV positive so about 8% of people passing through our penal system get HCV while doing time.

What we need to do is wipe this thing out now while we have the upper hand. We did it to smallpox but are, for example, failing with Whooping Cough due to falling vaccination rates where once we are winning.

The time to treat this on a mass scale is right now.
Category: Resistance
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