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Searched for: treatment
03 Sep 2019 07:31
I took my 5th dose this morning. I am praying this will take that away. Thank you for your helpful response. Did it get better before treatment was through or did it take longer? I only have mild scarring and a fatty liver. Fibro was a 1. I've had this 16 years now. Itching began about 14 years ago. My liver was much worse but began an extreme lifestyle change. Hoping this works and I find relief. It's pretty intense. I too am aggravated by certain foods and soaps as well as other things.
Category: FixHepC Admin
03 Sep 2019 07:18
I had lots of itchy patches and responses to clothing, shampoo, food and sea etc for the 30 + years I had Hep C.

I had ecxema, psoriasis, dandruff etc- not charming.... I had no idea they were HepC connected- specialist never said a word- the psoriasis made me ineligible for a pegylated interferon trial at one point.

I also had cirrhosis- they sound the same and people often swap the words around! Mine got bad, decompensating, and yes skin itchier at that point.

Then- tah dah! #magic# FixhepC, got meds, survived, cured, no hep C, now have none of the above, I can wear what I want, use hotel shampoos, now there are tubes of cream gathering dust in the cabinet..

And even the cirrhosis, has melted away against all expectations to a normal liver.
So, imho, the best treatment for the skin, not 'just' liver is DAA's, and my advice is to everyone- don't wait, get fixed. Best $ I ever borrowed and repaid.
Category: FixHepC Admin
02 Sep 2019 02:06
I am taking Epclusa. I have been using bee propolis for many years and I wondering does anyone know whether propolis can reduce the effect of Epclusa. Thanks!

*I've seen now, it should be posted on "Supplements" category. I hope admins can move post there.
31 Aug 2019 16:48
Hello Apogal,

Welcome to the forum.

Itch certainly troubles some patients with Hep C. It becomes increasingly common as liver disease progresses and happens with all the liver diseases.

While there are no guarantees, yes, itch often resolves with treatment.

Best of luck with your treatment!
Category: FixHepC Admin
31 Aug 2019 13:07
Hi. I am new to this forum. Grateful for it too! I began hep c treatment yesterday with epclusa. I've had the virus for 16 years. I itch terribly. Is this a common symptom with hep c? Does it resolve with treatment, if so? Thank you!
Category: FixHepC Admin
27 Aug 2019 17:46
Thank you very much beahavan for your all kind support .
Category: New to Forum
27 Aug 2019 17:45
Thank you , I tough if ı have weak ummune system , there is chance to loose the war and get the hep b.
I feel better now, thank you very much Mr Dr James
Category: New to Forum
25 Aug 2019 19:54
Hi barry666,

Seroquel is "industrial strength" so it's definitely something you don't just stop cold turkey.

Talking to your GP is a great idea. You will be taking Maviret + Sofosbuvir so we want your medications to play well with this combination.

If you put in Maviret (Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir) + Sofosbuvir here and then Quetiapine

You will see the interaction - this basically says reduce the Quetiapine dose a bit, however there are alternatives:


Risperidone and Olanzapine are similar so you could swap to them but a simple dose reduction (when you start treatment) would probably be all that is required.


Coadministration with quetiapine does not preclude the use of glecaprevir/pibrentasvir. Quetiapine is metabolised by CYP3A4 and in vitro is a substrate of P-gp. Concentrations of quetiapine may increase as glecaprevir/pibrentasvir is a weak inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-gp (27% increase in AUC with probe 3A4 substrate midazolam; 45% increase in AUC of tacrolimus).Whilst unlikely to be clinically significant in most patients (a recent study having looked at the efficacy and safety of G/P in patients with chronic HCV and psychiatric disorders) , caution is advised when using higher doses of quetiapine (e.g. over 400mg/day), or with liver impairment, the elderly, patients with cardiac conduction abnormalities or other drugs known to prolong QT interval. Concomitant administration of cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors, such as HIV-protease inhibitors, azole-antifungal agents, erythromycin, clarithromycin and nefazodone, is contraindicated in the European label for quetiapine.
Category: HCV Symptoms
25 Aug 2019 02:06
Hi Barry, no worry at all, great work you guys are doing in that charity :+1:

Yes, please talk to your GP about how far down and how fast you should step down off Seroquel. He may even switch you to an alternative medication altogether just for the duration of the Hep C treatment.

Please let us know if you need any more help and keep us updated on your progress.
Category: HCV Symptoms
21 Aug 2019 20:16
Hi Jonjara,

I've got over 3000 patients and can say it's not common.

Have you had some routine bloods like a viral load, CBC, CMP, ESR, CRP, RhF?

If there's no viral load then we need to look for all the other things that could cause it.

What country are you in?
Category: FixHepC Admin
21 Aug 2019 18:33
Hi I Finnished treatment roughly 1.5 years ago.. Did great for one year but recently immflamation and tenderness is
Coming back... Can anyone relate... Thanks Jon
Category: FixHepC Admin
21 Aug 2019 06:22
Hi Mar. If you have the time to check for me would be grateful. That way I know that someone with a bit more experience and knowledge can give me a better idea that I can start to think over and talk to my Doctor about to see what he says.
Although its not certain whether I will definitely get the treatment this is what is proposed - Mayvret and Sosfosbuvir. My daily meds are:
Enlafax (venlafaxine) 150mg
Concerta (methylphenidate) 54mg
Rubifen 20mg
Seroquel 100mg

I also have (when needed):
Norflex 100mg
Respigen inhaler

Thank you again for your help. I appreciate it more than you can know.

Take care

Category: HCV Symptoms
21 Aug 2019 04:32
Hi Barry, to learn if the new treatment you will hopefully be getting (Mavyret + Sofosbuvir) will interact with your current medications or not, there is an excellent resource where you can check and know www.hep-druginteractions.org/checker You have to check using the medications generic names, for example Mavyret is Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir. If you need help, you can write a new post with the names of the meds you're taking and I'll check for you. If there is interaction, you will need advice from a doctor on how to handle the transition.

The modern Hep C medications (e.g. Mavyret and Sofosbuvir) are very safe and do not cause any damage to the liver or any other organs, they have been studied extensively in multiple very large clinical trials. On the contrary, they will stop and allow the body to start reversing the damage that has been done. Looking forward to hearing good news from you that you were admitted to the trial.
Category: HCV Symptoms
21 Aug 2019 03:02
Hi Dave
You WILL make it through your 12 weeks of Epclusa treatment, and it will be well worth it!!
I finished 12 weeks of Epclusa on July 3rd. I am feeling a certain energy and a mental sharpness that I don't remember having since before I was 20 years (I am 54 yrs now. Had Hep C genotype 4 since early 20's.). At 4 weeks of treatment it was jaw dropping to find that the Hep C virus was undetected. That gave me great motivation to keep going!
You are so young at 65 years with plenty of good years ahead! Drink lots of water and get exercise each day!
I look forward to hearing how you are doing. Hang in there!
Category: Patient Stories
20 Aug 2019 20:17
I remember the first treatment I was given (Viekera?), required me to alter one or two of my prescribed medications by lowering their dose or switching to an alternative drug. I had to prepare and slowly step down week by week to a lower dose. Is that something I should be preparing for now or will it be different if i am allowed to have the treatment proposed for my second try?
Also, regardless of whether I win or lose this time round will the course of treatment further damage my liver and other organs regardless?
If I am offered the treatment I will grab the opportunity with both hands and with grace, but what worries me is that since my detox and rehab over 2 years ago and being told I am cirrhotic and host the Hep C demon, I still feel like I have no idea whats happening inside me and just how serious my overall condition is. My questions to my specialists have thus gone from trying to understand this situation and become knowledgeable of where my health is, all the way to the frame of mind that I find myself in over two years later: a general acceptance that I have a bad liver and a bug which is trying to destroy it while its down. No one wants to tell me how fast I am declining (because surely without any targeted medication I cant be getting healthier day by day?)!
Category: HCV Symptoms
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