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Searched for: treatment
04 Mar 2020 10:58
Today is my first day of treatment! Insurance approved 8 weeks of Mavyret and my copay was only $5 thankfully.

I’m so ready to tackle this beast and will be reading about the side effects on the forum! I’m so nervous.

Thank you so much for your help, Dr. James!
Category: Viral Load Results
03 Mar 2020 23:41
Thanks. I will do that instead, before the 12 week viral load test.
Category: FixHepC Admin
03 Mar 2020 22:06
Thank you Dr James

I really hope I can beat this.

I feel so dumb, I’ve had this for 10 years and throughout, I believed my condition was fine and not to worry, that it would easily get treated when necessary (my doctors led me to believe this, so I never really did my own research apart from the basics). I have been neglectful and for the first time I am taking this seriously.

To be honest it has me very anxious and worried. I seriously regret not prioritizing this, and my health in general.

I never paid much attention to details of my results.

I am now trying to learn as much as possible, take my health more seriously immediately, and make sure I do everything in my power to make my condition as best as possible.

I just got a fibroscan a few days ago and have an appointment with a liver specialist in a couple days.

Can you let me know if there are any questions I should have? And what I should know overall about my condition?

Also, how can I maximize my current condition, and maximize my chances of retreatment success?

Another thing - for the past few days I have been having pains in different parts of my abdomen, but I notice pains especially in what feels like my liver area. I’ve had these pains before and honestly it probably didn’t affect me as much, as I was led to believe it was something else, so the anxiety is probably not helping. When would I know if it’s an emergency?

Pardon my message, I am having a hard time being calm about this. I really appreciate any help I can get here
Category: Welcome
03 Mar 2020 19:37
Hi Cherr 1985,

That last waiting is hard :+1:
All the waiting is hard come to think of it... for meds, for tests.
What you could do, I have heard of a lot of people do to ease their minds in this 12 weeks wait, is have a liver function test at about 7-8 weeks.
That is cheap and fast and the drugs are out of your system by then so your liver is doing it's own thing with no help from harvoni. LFT will show how it is doing and should reassure you. No doubt a very few people need to retreat but it is pretty close to 100.1 not to be you.
Congrats on reaching end of treatment #flower
Category: FixHepC Admin
03 Mar 2020 13:51
Today I took my last pill. I finished the 12 weeks of harvoni treatment. I do feel very good physically. I am a bit nervous about the next viral load test but I have to do it. I am aware that I must do a viral load test 12 weeks after my last pill. I kind of want to do a viral load test before that. Like do a test a few weeks after my last pill. I am not sure if doing that can give me an inaccurate result. But I am kind of anxious in waiting 12 weeks. I have never heard of anyone who did a viral load test before the 12 weeks after the end treatment.
Category: FixHepC Admin
02 Mar 2020 14:20
Hello Cherr1985,

Don't worry - taking 2 doses on the same day is not a toxic overdose and 83 days of total treatment will be just fine.

Best Regards

Category: FixHepC Admin
02 Mar 2020 09:08
I am finally in my last days of my 12 week treatment of harvoni. I only have 2 pills left. I would have had 3 but I accidentally took 2 doses with in that 24 hour time frame the day before yesterday. Does anyone one know if that can be a problem? if I forgot that I did take my dose, I thought that I didn't and later on on that same day I took the second dose. I wast thinking that I misses my first dose for that day when I didn't. So I ended up taking 2 doses with in that 24 hours . The doses were hours almost apart from each other. I only did this once throughout the course of my entire treatment and I never skiped a dose either. Always took one dose every 24 hours. Never skipped. Only this one time where I overdosed within 24 hours. As far as symptoms I do feel very good. I am feeling very well physically. Haven't felt this good in years. On my first month of taking harvoni I was already undetectable.
Category: FixHepC Admin
29 Feb 2020 16:23
Hello tellietubbie,

Itching probably relates to an increased level of bilirubin and suggests your Fibroscan might be F4 (>12.5kPa). That potentially has some impact on the choice of treatment, best duration of treatment and if we should consider Ribavirin.

In a perfect world we have full blood count, liver and kidney function results.

In patients with cirrhosis, we like to have an AFP as cirrhosis carries a 3% per year risk of liver cancer and this generally shows up with an elevated AFP. Treated early we can fix it. Leave it too late and it sadly becomes get your affairs in order time.

The best way to proceed would be for you to book an online appointment with me so we can go over it all together. gp2u.com.au/

Now, for the really important question: Is your favourite Tinky Winky, Laa-Laa, Dipsy or Po?

Category: Welcome
28 Feb 2020 13:41
Hi p711,

Sorry to hear about that.

The sad reality of a success rate of 95% is that is also a failure rate of 5%. That means there is a 1:20 chance the treatment does not work.

For a person cure is 100% cured or 100% not, so it's not really 95%. It's 19 cured, 1 not cured.

Don't panic. GT1 is easy to retreat and you will have about the same odds of cure next time around. You will probably be offered Vosevii and that's great stuff.

This post of mine talks about resistance:


This post talks about resistance:


Please have a read and then feel free to ask any questions you have here.

It is not the end of the world. It happens. Mostly it's pretty easy to get it fixed.
Category: Welcome
27 Feb 2020 08:34
Hello Mar. Thanks for answering my questions, unfortunately they generate new ones. What is the purpose of the 2 sets of tests you specify? Are they essential? I ask because I live in the wilds and even attending a major city is problematic for me so if I can do without them I would.
I've never had this itching before, it appeared out of the blue for no apparent reason, what I mean by that is that nothing (particularly diet) had changed to account for its appearance.
I did 48 weeks with the big clunky hypodermics, Interferon alpha I think, that was bad enough.
Then I was put on "opposition treatment" which used a different type of Interferon, that was the nightmare I never thought possible, I lasted 11 weeks and was taken off due to the side effects.
So I'm not a fan of treating this disease, crazy I know but thats how its panned out.
I'm praying that the itching disappears as mysteriously as it appeared, only time will tell.Everything is crossed.
Thanks again, have a good day.
Category: Welcome
26 Feb 2020 11:36
Hi everyone,

I posted a similar question in another forum so I apologize if this is against the rules. I am really anxious over this.

I completed a 12-week Epclusa treatment back in January, after being diagnosed about 10 years ago. My viral load pre-treatment was over 1million and genotype 1. A few weeks prior to completion, I had to move to a new state and change doctors.

Prior to the move, I asked my GI to do labs to see what kind of progress is being made. This was back in December. I was told that my virus was undetectable. I felt so happy and figured that I would complete the treatment but this would be gone.

I moved and was finally able to get labs done again and see a new GI this month. I was told that my viral load is now 431, and it is a treatment failure. I am devastated over this. This new GI now wants me to get more lab work done and then do re-treatment.

How is this possible? Does anyone have any experience with something like this, or are there any experts who may be able to help me understand?

Thank you
Category: Welcome
25 Feb 2020 19:01
Hi Tellietubbie and welcome to the forum :)

Sorry to hear about your previous failed treatment efforts, 37 years is a really long time to live with disease. The good news is that getting cured is now easily possible with the new generation of medication, for an affordable cost using licensed generics, so there is no reason for anyone to keep living with this terrible disease.

Body itching is one of the most common symptoms of Hep C, and with successful treatment it will disappear quickly (your overall health will greatly improve as a matter of fact).

If you want to do everything away from the NHS, that is very possible. You can see FixHepC's founder, Dr James Freeman, online via video conference on GP2U using your phone or PC and get a prescription. He's a really excellent doctor with vast experience treating Hep C. You have most of the test results needed to book an appointment, but I believe you're missing 2 very simple and cheap blood tests, CBC (Complete blood count) and CMP (Comprehensive metabolic panel), Dr James will correct me if I'm wrong here. You will need to upload your test results to your GP2U account before the appointment.

If you need any help using the GP2U service, you can email Jan and she will be happy to help, her email is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. All the best Tellietubbie.
Category: Welcome
25 Feb 2020 15:14
Hello People,I hope you're all doing as well as possible.
I am tellietubbie and I have Genotype 1a.
I'm very confident that I acquired this virus in 1983, so 37 years ago.
I won't bore you all with the details,I'm sure there are no strangers to the delights of Hep C here.
I really would appreciate some answers please, I find my questions can't be easily answered.
I'll explain. I live in the U.K. and I would like to order medications from this site but don't want any involvement from the NHS in any way. (Just a personal thing).
I see from other areas on this website that certain information is needed pre treatment, I know my genotype, my last Fibroscan was 16 months ago and I know the result, and finally previous treatment types and dates are also known to me.
My question is this: is this information sufficient for me to start treatment using medication from this site?
In addition, as I can't get a prescription from my doctor, how do I get one, again without any involvement or reference to, both my GP and the NHS?
I currently have the whole body itching which is to put it mildly, dragging me towards insanity so I'm of the opinion that now is the right time to be doing treatment,I'm just praying that I can do it from here.
My apologies for being so mysterious, I do have very good reasons for it.
Hopefully someone will answer these questions and I thank you in advance,and wish you a very good day.
Category: Welcome
13 Feb 2020 13:32
Thanks sir
Category: FixHepC Admin
13 Feb 2020 13:30
Thanks greatly appreciate it.
Category: FixHepC Admin
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