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Searched for: treatment
03 Nov 2018 07:00
Welcome bobraas!

I just finished up treatment 6 mo. ago after having Hep C for 43 years and have never felt better!
Keep us updated and good luck.

Category: Welcome
03 Nov 2018 04:18
Welcome to the forum Bobraas :) . It has never been easier to get rid of Hep C as it is right now. With cure rates north of 90% with the new medications, and the availability of high quality generics (if insurance denies treatment), you made a great decision. As Hazel said, life for patients divides sharply into "before" and "after" because of how much better they feel after being cured, best of luck to you.
Category: Welcome
02 Nov 2018 13:33
Welcome Bobraas!
I had geno 3, not 2, but also for over 30 years. I got cured here, 3 years since I started treatment. Life for me divides sharply into "before" and "after'" because I had no idea I would feel so much better, when cured.
Looking forward to hearing that happening for you.
Category: Welcome
01 Nov 2018 18:13
Hi Beahavan,
Thanks for your reply.
I have one tooth decay since more than 5 month. It was very small before so waited to go dentist u. I am sure it need filling or rooth canal treatment now.. Maybe because of this ? 1.5 month later I have final test for SVR24. I do fitness and I started to morning run every morning for 30 minute. Also I have fitness diet without sugar . I will see what I have in 1.5 month and if still my glucose high I will see endocrine specialist.
Hope I will fix this and it is just temporary rising.
Category: New to Forum
01 Nov 2018 02:21
My fasting glucose started increasing about 16 months after starting treatment with Harvoni on 8/12/16.

8/1/16 Glucose 91 Creatinine .89 UreaNitrogen(bun) 13
1/4/17 Glucose 93 Creatinine .92 UreaNitrogen(bun) 18
7/13/17 Glucose 95 Creatinine .83 UreaNitogen(bun) 13
12/28/17 Glucose 99 Creatinine 1.02 UreaNitrogen(bun) 15
2/28/18 Glucose 115 Creatinine 1.04 UreaNitrogen(bun) 15
Root canal on 3/26/18
7/10/18 Glucose 83 Creatinine .88 UreaNitrogen(bun) 9


Turns out I had a tooth infection. I did not have any pain. Once I had the root canal and started walking an hour a day my glucose and Creatinine went down.

Has you Creatinine increased? Could you have some undiagnosed infection?
Category: New to Forum
27 Oct 2018 21:22
Hi Dr James
Tall 174 cm
Weigh 74 kg
I do fitness.
Is it possible to cure?
Category: New to Forum
27 Oct 2018 21:16
Hello Kaju,

It does sound as though you have borderline diabetes. Patients with Hep C get diabetes at 2-3 times the rate of people without Hep C - as to why, nobody really knows.

It's probably related to the Hep C and or the treatment, but probably would have happened without treatment.

We do see it more commonly in people who are overweight and notice that people who shed excess weight often have their blood sugar improve. It also occurs (less commonly) in adults in the normal range.

At the moment, it's probably just something to keep an eye on. How tall are you and what do you weigh?
Category: New to Forum
27 Oct 2018 20:00
Hi Guys
Thank for your good wishes. Hope everbody is doing good :)

I have quick question. My last blood test showed me my fasting blood glucose is 103mg.It s more than 99mg . called latent diabets. I am 35 year old . I have no diabetic in my family. The thing is before, results are lover than 99mg and I dont use sugar in drinks and I dont eat sugar sweet much. When I reached to SVR4 first time I saw it is higher than 99mg and it was 113mg , I though I ate something which are make my glucose high and I did not take it serious but last month I realized my fasting blood glucose is 103.
I have no problem before start to treatment and I used not much sweet thing in my life . weird ?
Is it possible to fix it ? Or what should I do ?
Maybe side effect of treatment? Possible? Before start to treatment all was good about glucose but after treatment this happened.
Category: New to Forum
27 Oct 2018 10:52
Hello christop88,

Can you tell me more about you, what you were like before and during treatment, and what you took? Blood results are useful as well.

The average age of HCV patients is around 55 so something I remind people of is that Hep C treatment provides 0% protection from every other disease that afflicts the human condition.

Diabetes, thyroid issues, neurological issues, a range of cancers and all substantially more common in people with Hep C so where people don't feel significantly better after treatment we need to look for other causes. Here's some of the extrahepatic manifestations known to be associated with Hep C


You are welcome to post more information here, but you should get checked out. That could be online with me on gp2u.com.au/ or with your local doctor. The only reason not to do this soon would be if the trend seems to be that you are getting better day by day. In that case, waiting a while to see would not be unreasonable.
Category: FixHepC Admin
27 Oct 2018 04:42
Hi christop

Welcome to the forum.
What exact medication for HCV did you take? Possibly tell us a bit more like what amount of liver damage were you diagnosed with prior to starting and did you have any other health conditions other than HCV.

Many of us after finishing up report feeling somewhat re-energized,however there has been some to for a bit of time,maybe struggling with feeling no better ,or possibly worse.

Possibly something else ,health wise needs to be addressed. let us know how you are doing.
Category: FixHepC Admin
26 Oct 2018 14:02
Took my last pill three weeks ago and am feeling really trashed and drained little energy and lethargic, I feel worse now than before I started very tired but trouble staying asleep, crashing headaches and sore muscles all over my body, even though i feel very shitty am glad i had the chance to take the medication
Category: FixHepC Admin
21 Oct 2018 18:18
Great post Coral, :+1: :+1: #flower #flower :+1:

I was thinking that it is a holiday weekend here, which means exam study again for me (for the last time), and it must be exactly 3 years since I was waiting for my meds to arrive.
Pretty sure I would be fertiliser by now, I was out of time, if I hadn't found FixhepC, and taken the leap- now I am well, the world is my oyster. We have seen some great stories- yours is one of them Coral!

But as far as treatment goes in NZ, some things change, some things stay the same. (nb- it says I founded a buyers club- I didn't- I found one- this!!!. They always get something wrong)
Category: Patient Stories
21 Oct 2018 11:20
I can see that our community forum is quiet and contemplative at the moment. Just sending out a big hello and hugs to everyone on this beautiful Sunday morning.

A big hello to you who are linking into the forum for the first time and thinking about treatment for Hep C.....come on board.....I promise you that it is the best decision you will ever make.

Hello to you who are in the middle of treatment.......hang in there and keep taking those tablets......they are working really hard for you and will get the job done.

Hello to those who, like me, have been cured through the efforts of Dr James and the FixHepC community....how fortunate are we?

Have a wonderful day.

Coral #flower
Category: Patient Stories
18 Oct 2018 08:40
Hi Doc James!

Thank you again for everything and a new life. The first day of my treatment began on Dec. 22, 2016. I remember Jan in the office emailing me saying, I would probably receive my meds before Christmas. So, you became my Santa Clause, and Jan was Elf in charge.

My first labs were on 3/24/17 and I was undetected. I remain undetected. All the extra-hepatic manifestations have resolved and if I avoid mirrors, I feel like I'm back in my rockin' and rollin' hippy days.

I literally owe my new life to YOU and everyone here in our elite community for the support I received. My doctor always says how wonderful it is that I am hep free. She has great respect for you.

You remain a hero in my eyes.

Category: FixHepC Admin
18 Oct 2018 01:42
Hi Lilyfield,

Great to hear from you. What are you now? Triple-digit SVR?

On that note, how is the pre-treatment vs post treatment quality of life?
Category: FixHepC Admin
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