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Searched for: treatment
10 Oct 2018 09:39
Hello Shnapper,

You seem to be following a common misconception in medicine. In med school they taught it to us in Latin as:

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

The literal translation is "after this, therefore because of this".

The reason it is taught in medicine is that it's a logical fallacy which states "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X."

While it is true sometimes, ie I give you a medicine, you get a side effect, often it is not true. For example, Bells Palsy was thought to be caused by having a bath and being exposed to a cold draught. Doctors would ask patients "Did you have a draughty bath" and they would say "Yes". The problem was this was true for a whole lot of people so although one event seemingly followed the other, they were not related.

Anyway, you seem to relate your issues to exposure to a girl and unprotected sex. While you can certainly catch all sorts of diseases from unprotected sex, you are very unlikely to catch Hep C and if you have Hep C we can detect that very very very efficiently with PCR. If your PCR is negative then we (and you) can be confident that is not the cause, and that treatment of Hep C will have no benefit.

So while I have no doubt the problem is exactly as you state it, the cause of the problem is not. Once you can accept that, we can move on to looking for the real cause of the problem...

A complete physical examination and blood tests would be the logical starting place.
Category: Q & A
09 Oct 2018 18:17
A patient asked this question:

I am a biochemist myself and studied virology many years ago. Unlike HIV, HEP C doesn’t seem to reside in reservoirs. So looking at your SVR rates they are impressive but could you maybe give me a high level reason why treatment fails? Apart from reinfection where could the virus hide? I have bought 20 weeks worth of meds and now I am on week 18. Was undetectable at week 3 so by the end of treatment I will have kept it at bay for a further 17 weeks. They should surely be enough to eradicate it?

Over on our blog, you will find the answer

Category: Resistance
07 Oct 2018 10:24

beaches wrote:

Greedfighter wrote:
Don't think this is a non-issue, I was F0 and not technically sick, but now that I am cured, I think much clearer, and have more stamina and energy. This disease can progress quickly, F0 to F4 in a matter of months, this is not something to take lightly.

Now I know that I will never get sick and die. My future is bright; I was sick for 30 years, and now it's over! Contact Parvez ;) :+1:

I can back up what Greedfighter says here. My fibroscan consistently came back as F0 but I was 60 years old and knew I was on borrowed time.
I believe my treatment has given me an extra 10 years of healthy life

Just adding my two bits:

1. with HCV, I expect all things being equal, F0 will likely progress to F4.

2. I was told many years ago that something else will probably kill me before Hep C did.
It turned out that 'something else' was a HCC courtesy of ...


Category: Patient Stories
06 Oct 2018 11:10

Greedfighter wrote:
Don't think this is a non-issue, I was F0 and not technically sick, but now that I am cured, I think much clearer, and have more stamina and energy. This disease can progress quickly, F0 to F4 in a matter of months, this is not something to take lightly.

Now I know that I will never get sick and die. My future is bright; I was sick for 30 years, and now it's over! Contact Parvez ;) :+1:

I can back up what Greedfighter says here. My fibroscan consistently came back as F0 but I was 60 years old and knew I was on borrowed time.
I believe my treatment has given me an extra 10 years of healthy life
Category: Patient Stories
30 Sep 2018 11:49
Congratulations kaju!! Enjoy your party :woohoo:
Category: New to Forum
30 Sep 2018 03:23
Finished treatment and so happy to share the news that the 3 monthly tests came back, as clear, no virus detected.
So grateful to Dr James and the buyers club to have made receiving this treatment possible.

Thank you.....
Category: FixHepC Admin
30 Sep 2018 00:35
Congrats on your SVR 12 kaju!

Look forward to reading about your SVR 24

Category: New to Forum
29 Sep 2018 18:50
Thank you again. I feel more happy now :) :cheer: Todal will make little party for this with refresh foods and healty drinks :)
Hope I will come here with good news again after 3 months.

Category: New to Forum
29 Sep 2018 08:44
It must be time for the dancing banana!

Category: New to Forum
29 Sep 2018 00:24
Such great news! Looking forward to your SVR24 results.
Category: New to Forum
28 Sep 2018 22:05
That is awesome Kaju, things are looking great :cheer: . Looking forward to your cure announcement after the SVR24 test :+1:
Category: New to Forum
28 Sep 2018 21:14
Hi Guys,

I just received my hcv rna result and it s undedected !!

HCV-RNA (real time PCR) : viral genom not dedected
dinamic range of test:12 - 10-8 IU/mL

Thanks God and thank you for all your replys to my questions and
especially thank you very much Dr James.

I am at the SVR12 now and I hope will reach to SVR 24 .
Category: New to Forum
28 Sep 2018 19:00
I want to be positive for undedected.
If I look the past, alt and ast was more higher but get undedected at eot and svr4 . Now they more less and maths must be work . Hope so ..
God knows and pray for this .

Thank you for your reply ..Regards..
Category: New to Forum
28 Sep 2018 18:40
Hello Kaju,

We have seen your AST and ALT elevated from what sounded like too much exercise. Obviously, your numbers are lower (always good). If they were 20 I would be positive the RNA would come back negative. I expect it will be fine, but you (like me) will have to wait to see the RNA to be 100% positive.
Category: New to Forum
28 Sep 2018 16:39
Hi Guys,
Today I got my new alt result. Still waiting for hcv rna pcr ı thinh in few days I will get it.

My previous results 31.07.2018: AST 99 ALT 100 viral load : undedected SVR4
Refresh results 20.09.2018 : AST:48 ALT: 46

I do dumble exrcies at home and 10 day before test day, I gave break.

Can we say all is good or should I wait for viral load result to see what is really happening …!
Category: New to Forum
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