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Searched for: treatment
10 Nov 2015 03:26
10 Nov 2015 01:18
Hello ADAM14,

You need 24 weeks Sof/Led or 24 weeks Sof/Dac +/- Riba

See page 8/21 www.hepatitisc.uw.edu/pdf/treatment-infe...e-1/core-concept/all
Category: Media & News
10 Nov 2015 01:10
You are on a good treatment. See: www.hepatitisc.uw.edu/pdf/treatment-infe...e-1/core-concept/all and page 8/21 Personally I would be on 24 weeks Sof/Led for the reduced sides but 24 weeks Sof/Dac is equivalent and the Riba is a mild booster - don't panic if you have to drop/reduce to dose of Riba.

Here are the stats about VL=0 versus time on treatment:

Category: Patient Stories
10 Nov 2015 01:08
10 Nov 2015 00:11
Hi Doc,
I am do my best to "clear the air" here in the U.S. about generic quality, suppliers and how to negotiate the whole series of steps from acquisition to the first dose. Many folks are intimidated by the process and brain washed by lawsuit-fearing doctors, big pharma and the government. I try to help them see it as a series of simple steps. It is working!
People up here are starting to get affordable treatment directly from a trusted supplier-Mesochem.
Thanks to you al!
Category: Media & News
09 Nov 2015 23:45
Cheers for your reply sabrecat.

Completely agree on the taking personal control (now that we are blessed to have the tools to do so) Yes why the hell not have the choice to take the power of a potentual cure into our own hands, if it exists! And the fact that a company would actively prevent people from accessing that cure is pretty despicable. Hello corporatism lol

Glad to hear you came out the other end with a positive outcome and RPA gave you the help to do it. More fortunate than others have been in some areas for sure, with more uninformed and resistant bits of the medical profession, but you're right in saying that its a task and a half for GPs to be on top of all developments, not least enough that they feel able to take patients on in an untested scenario. Just glad the hospital seems amenable. I will get onto one of the nursing staff and lay all the current cards on the table - hopefully I can start treatment by the roughly assigned timeframe.

Fingers crossed :)
Category: Q & A
09 Nov 2015 23:38
I was into all of that as well. But now I m on treatment, I don t take any of those anymore. There s no point doing that. The drug is powerful, just let it do his work...and afterthat ...party ayurveda right on!...Maybe....I prefer no longer being occupied with it...Lol...Good luck!!
09 Nov 2015 22:53
Yes start at the beginning with:


ION-3 was a randomized, open-label trial in treatment-naïve non-cirrhotic subjects with genotype 1 CHC. Subjects were randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to one of the following three treatment groups and stratified by HCV genotype (1a vs 1b): Harvoni for 8 weeks, Harvoni for 12 weeks, or Harvoni + ribavirin for 8 weeks. The SVR rate was 94% and 96% for the Harvoni 8 and 12-week duration arms, respectively. Ribavirin was not shown to increase the response rates observed with Harvoni. By genotype the SVR rates were: Genotype 1a 93% (8 wks) and 96% (12 wks) and Genotype 1b 98% for both 8 and 12 weeks.

And then check:

Category: Media & News
09 Nov 2015 22:36
Hello khilde,

It was great to meet you on your journey around the world trying to access a medication that should be available in every country on every corner. Glad we could help. I guess your comments went the same way as described here, for the same reasons.....


I think active passive resistance is the best way. Let's not fight the system per se, let's simply exploit existing loopholes that provision fair access. After all rules are rules. Patent = Monopoly but is trumped by Personal Importation.

I like to think of it in terms of "We see your rules" but raise your "These rules".

Of course we should be conscious that in a game of poker a Smith & Wesson trumps 4 aces!
Category: Media & News
09 Nov 2015 19:59

CJ wrote: Hi Everyone,

Getting the Twinvir tomorrow :cheer:

Any hints on best way to take it?

With food? in morning or evening?

Does it affect sleep or anything?
Are you meant to drink a lot of water, like on the old treatments?
Any suggestions?

So excited. :)

All the best,
Cindi x

I am on twinvir

It can be taken with or without food.

I am taking it in the morning

Now almost all the side effects are in e.g. muscle aches, diarrhea etc. I am day 8. Probably need two weeks for the meds to settle in
Category: Q & A
09 Nov 2015 19:56
There are a couple of people on fb group type 1a using sof + dac and even riba. Their results are quite good (undetectable at week 4) do continue with your treatment please. Refer to Dr freeman's cheat sheet for monitoring if your gp do not know what to do
Category: Patient Stories
09 Nov 2015 19:44
Hi Everyone,

Getting the Twinvir tomorrow :cheer:

Any hints on best way to take it?

With food? in morning or evening?

Does it affect sleep or anything?
Are you meant to drink a lot of water, like on the old treatments?
Any suggestions?

So excited. :)

All the best,
Cindi x
Category: Q & A
09 Nov 2015 19:42
Current News Stories
Hit Them While They're Hot

Senate Review of Gilead Pricing (Good eyes Joy!)
12/1 www.dailynews.com/business/20151201/make...s-senate-report-says
12/1 thehill.com/policy/healthcare/261661-bip...nces-high-drug-price
12/1 www.wsj.com/articles/gilead-knew-hepatit...nate-says-1449004771

Hep C cases on the Rise in Bay County
11/28/15 www.newsherald.com/article/20151128/NEWS/151129331

And now Tommy Lee is Cured
11/24/15 classicrock.teamrock.com/news/2015-11-24...red-of-hep-c-say-pam
11/23/15 www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/pamela-ande...3587e4b0258edb321b7b

Pamela Anderson Stories .... Love her or hate her, potential for high traffic ***Hat Tip to Joy for this one!

11/10/15 www.newsmax.com/Health/Health-News/actre...015/11/10/id/701440/

11/9/15 abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/pamela-ande...is/story?id=35074396
11/9/15 www.cbsnews.com/news/pamela-anderson-i-am-cured-of-hepatitis-c/
11/9/15 www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2015/...epatitis-c/75455372/
11/9/15 www.people.com/article/pamela-anderson-hepatitis-c-cured
11/9/15 www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/pam...re-article-1.2427977
11/9/15 metro.co.uk/2015/11/09/pamela-anderson-c...pammy-style-5489855/
11/9/15 www.tvguide.com/news/pamela-anderson-cured-hepatitis/
11/9/15 www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-33...-nude-Instagram.html

11/8/15 www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/p...res-nude-pic-2015811

11/7/15 www.medicaldaily.com/actress-pamela-ande...patients-need-360730
11/7/15 Instagram

Find any Hep C News links with comment sections? Post the links and mods will move onto this list.

Still working on format ideas ... I'll post more latter.

********************* Original Post *********************
Have I coined a new term?
Internet Hive Swarm: When an organized group of people from all over the world descend on a news story's comment thread and post comments faster than the moderators can delete them.

Anyway, the article Paul posted which appeared to have a Gilead spokesman trying to scare people off of Dacatasvir has got me thinking.
I posted responses to that story in the comment thread, but I'm likely 4 days too late to be noticed.

We need to have people searching for news stories on Hep C, constantly, around the clock .... any story about drugs, treatments, government actions, etc., we need to see them quick. We need to get there before the crowd does.

Then we need to post a link to the story on this site. A moderator can move the link to the story to the top of the thread to keep people aware of the newest stories.

Then we need to swarm the comment threads with information about generics and their acquisition. Give enough info to get people's attention and put up links to this site and Greg's blog.

(Often comment threads won't allow true links so you can express it as

fixhepc dot com
hepatitisctreatment dot homestead dot com/index.html#
blogs dot hepmag dot com/gregjefferys/

People need to be made aware:
1) that the generics are out there
2) that many people are using them
3) that they are legal to acquire in most countries
4) how to find information about getting them

It might also be of value to tell about the censure of this information on many hep c advocacy websites.

The listing of specific generic drugs by trade name, company name and country of origin would also be valuable. Does anybody have a list? A moderator could keep that list updated at the top of the thread too, so we can just cut and paste to our posts.

We need to be getting the word out to the whole world.
Category: Media & News
09 Nov 2015 18:36
I agree with Paul .... this is Gilead propaganda and fits well with their general behavior pattern. Notice the Gilead spokesperson is implying rather than directly stating a risk difference between led and dac.

I've made two comments on the page .... when I left a link for this site it went to moderation and then disappeared ... so I rewrote it with "dot" in the address. More of us should do the same.
Category: Experts Corner
09 Nov 2015 17:21
Awesome news vicki - fantastic that you have cleared the virus after only 7 weeks! It gives hope to us all :)

No idea how I missed this thread until now lol

Great to hear everyone's stories and experiences, am keeping my fingers well crossed for you all. Good to hear those who felt rough initially are improving, and high five to those with minimal side effects - great stuff :)

Hopefully I will be able to start treatment when the meds arrive (3-4 wks) but not sure atm. I have developed a large thyroid nodule within a 24-hr period which making me feel a bit under the weather (though I now have a bit of a husky baritone!) and I don't know yet if surgery is indicated...the public hospital system moves in its own special timezone heh.

If I can't, its going to be awkward having bottles of meds burning a hole in my medicine cabinet, so to speak :lol:
Category: DAA Side Effects
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