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Searched for: treatment
06 Oct 2015 23:51
Hi, I'm a newbie, this is my first post, HepC profile below.

I have decided that rather than wait indefinitely for Tx2, I'm going to try to get Sof/Dac via the Buyers Club.
I'm G3, F2/3, so I shouldn't need RIBA, plus I had bad anaemia during Tx1 so would rather avoid it if possible.
So far I have struck out trying to get a script in UK, but still avenues available including the Manchester Clinic that people have mentioned in another topic.
I have a video appointment with Dr Freeman on 7/10, hoping he will be able to provide script & meds.
Will post again after appointment.

HepC Profile
Born 1954, male
Genotype: 3a
Infected: early 80s
Diagnosed: 2013
Treatment: 24 weeks Int/Riba 2014 relapsed,
currently waiting for Sof/Int/Riba treatment (12 weeks) on NHS
Fibroscan: 10.3-F2/3 in 2/2014
Latest Viral Load: 52000 in 6/2015
ALT, ALP & AFP all in normal range 6/2015
Category: Patient Stories
06 Oct 2015 21:50
Great that you're feeling so good Ann. I'm sure your four week bloods will make you feel even better!

And great first bloods of your treatment John.
Category: DAA Side Effects
06 Oct 2015 20:36

It will cost only 1080 USD for 12 weeks treatment but patients will have to make pickup from Dhaka.

We can not ship to countries like USA, UK, Australia, NZ but there may be people that can.

Category: Media & News
06 Oct 2015 15:51
On the surface nothing should be affected.The Genie is well and truly out of the bottle.Anyway the TPP still has to get through both houses of parliarment.However,I am wary.The Americans have a history of nasty tactics,and what is presently happening with overseas accessed generics must be a real thorn in their side..Doctors in Sth Australia are already barred from writing scripts for overseas generics, I have been told.One would hope that this is not extended elsewhere.I am personally taking a cautious approach and making sure I have enough medication to last to the end of treatment.Hopefully everyone who needs this medication will be able to continue to easily access it,its really an unstoppable avalanche,but it could easily be made more difficult.I really hope not.It would be really stupid if people had to end up going overseas personally to get what they rightfully need.
Category: Geopolitics
06 Oct 2015 11:15
And this is precisley why I have decided to add another 6 weeks to my 12 week sofos/daclats tx. I am geno 1b with a query on my fibrosis but in 2008 it was an F2 so probably progressed to F2/F3 at the very least. Thinking 18 weeks would be spot on for me. I just can't see any use for ribavirin for me and given that I eat plenty last time around (74kg to 1400mg daily) there has to be some resistence. James I will make an appointment with you to get this happening. Em
Category: Resistance
06 Oct 2015 09:56
No, it should not. You do need pneumococcal vaccination, but I'm sure you already know that.
Category: Resistance
06 Oct 2015 09:11
Hi, I had a splenectomy when I was young (48 now), would that adversely affect treatment using sofosbuvir + daclatasvir?
Category: Resistance
06 Oct 2015 08:51
Hello Jolie,

I will start this with a disclaimer - my experience with Hep C the new DAAs only goes back to March, and the entire world's experience is really only a couple of years. Data is lacking and the margins of error in the encouraging trial data is large.

First the guidelines say 12 weeks Sof+Dac is appropriate for you.

Now let's consider some hypotheticals.

Fibrosis is not "you have cirrhosis" or "you don't" but our guidelines deal with the issue of fibrosis in that way because of the need to group people to get statistically meaningful numbers. We know that longer 24 week treatment is often recommended in the context of a high level of fibrosis, but why is this?

My working model goes like this. Fibrotic tissue has a very poor blood supply, therefore getting medications into fibrotic areas is harder. You might imagine fibrosis as like the walls of a castle protecting the areas inside. Fibrosis is a spectrum. You might also imagine that F4 represents strong castle walls made of bricks and F1 represents weak walls, like the straw house the little pig made to hide from the wolf.

Now consider that for an antibiotic/antiviral to work we need to reach what's called the MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) - below this level it does not work, above this level it works. Like fibrosis this is a spectrum.

Now imagine to kill you I have to make you wet with rain. If I send you out in the rain stark naked it will not take long (low fibrosis), and if it's raining heavily (high doses) it won't take long either.

Now imagine I put some clothes on you. Now it's going to take longer to get you wringing wet. This is like mild fibrosis.

Now imagine I put a cheap spray jacket on you. Now it's going to take longer again and this is like having higher fibrosis.

Now imagine you have a Gortex Jacket. This keeps you dry, but over time water leaks in through the cuffs, around the neck. This is like cirrhosis.

So you could intuit that the optimal treatment times might really look like (total speculation)

F0 8 weeks
F1 12 weeks
F2 16 weeks
F3 20 weeks
F4 24 weeks

Now I just pulled those numbers out of my ear, but I hope you can see what I'm saying. More fibrosis probably needs more treatment and a binary division < F4 = 12 weeks and F4 = 24 weeks does not make a huge degree of logical sense.

Now when we look at treatment duration we know that it's too long.

It's supposed to be too long because we can't know exactly when to stop.

All we can ever know is that we probably stopped a little early if it comes back. Unfortunately this knowledge is only available in retrospect.

So moving on to Government economics. The goal is not maximal cure rates, it is maximal cure rate PER DOLLAR SPENT.


12 weeks treatment $60,000 (so 8 weeks is $40,000)
Cure rate @ 12 weeks 95%
Cure rate @ 8 weeks 90%

Take a group of 100 patients.

8 weeks treatment will cost $4,000,000 for 90 cures = $44,444 per cure

12 weeks treatment will cost $6,000,000 for 95 cures = $63,157 per cure

Let's assume that we can retreat with 24 weeks @120,000

In the 8 week group that costs another $1,200,000 and sees only one patient not at cure. $5,200,000 for 99 cures = $52,525 per cure

In the 12 week group that costs another $600,000 and sees only 1/2 a patient not at cure. $6,600,000 for 99.5 cures = $66,331 per cure

So the shorter treatment time, although it does not provide the best cure rate is 25% cheaper per cure, even with retreatment.

If you were planning to spend billions on treatment then 25% is a huge number.

When politicians talk about making hard decisions these are the sort of decisions they are talking about.
Category: Resistance
06 Oct 2015 04:19
Dr Freeman,
I have a question concerning failed treatment & what would be your advise to someone in my situation?

10 years ago I went through the old Peg Interferon/ Riba tx for 24 weeks, as Geno 3. I cleared the virus after first 4 weeks & was cleared all during the tx. 1 month after I finish the tx virus returned/ relapse.

I did not bother to treat since as was waiting for the new DAA drugs to come along, as the old tx was so horrendous & with so many side effects I'd never want to repeat it.

Fast forward to now & am contemplating the generic DAA tx of Sofo/ Dac for 24 weeks & not include the Riba after listening to Prof. G. Foster video concerning the possible "resistance" for people who had Riba in the past, he suggested not to include it with the new DAA.

My fibroscan was 8.7 PKA in July 2015 ( 8.1 in 2005 - so not much damage in 10 years, I expected more), so probably borderline F2/F3 ?? - do you think I could get away with 12 weeks tx Sof/ Dac or better 24 weeks ? without the Riba? - due to possible "Riba-resistance" ?
Other bloods again reasonable not showing any signs of advanced liver disease - so am not able to get any tx in the UK.

Here in the UK patients are still being offered Peg & Riba for Geno 3, some get Peg/ Riba/Sof for 12 weeks if lucky, but waiting lists are very long.
What would be your advise for someone in my situation?

Many thanks in advance,

Category: Resistance
05 Oct 2015 21:35
Whatever works for you has got be good eh!

If I had migraines I would take anything that worked too :)
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 21:30
I'm hearing you Johnnboy, I eat so much fresh green from my garden. I get a fair bit of sunshine here on the on the South Coast of Australia.

I'm not big on supplements but since taking manesium my nasty migraines have abated.
I can get a rub on magnesium rub on gel (though expensive)
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 20:12
There is a very handy app which is great too. It cross references many drugs for interactions with HepC meds.

It is called "Hep Ichart"

It is from the the university of Liverpool
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 20:08
A site you may get help from.It's not all things but is pretty extensive. I check "view all" to navigate.
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 20:07
Sunshine is indeed my friend, but also in UK. The sunshine here is not good enough, if we see it at all ! We can get cheap flights to warmer climates easily, I need my VitC fix frequently and always feel a huge improvement. Last bloods, my VitD result showed just enough, that was after taking suppliments over last winter.

Magnesium is a v interesting one, it seems to help many ailments associated with HepC. Although my Dr said it was 'unlikely' I have found it has helped me personally.

Edit: Please note I am not on treatment, would also be interested in DrF's take on that
Category: Q & A
05 Oct 2015 19:40
Unfortunately I live in the UK and already have osteopenia. Low vit D level is associated with the Hep C. Hopefully once the virus is gone, my vit D level will go up.
Category: Q & A
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