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PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #446

  • Phoenix
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Just got off the phone to a nurse at the liver clinic at my local hospital (large city in Queensland). She told me that there is a meeting to discuss PBS approval in late November, and that it was the unanimous opinion of the doctors at the liver clinic that the new drugs would probably be approved in November, but definitely no later than the next meeting in April, due the enormous pressure of the situation. She said the way it is being proposed to manage the impact on the public purse is that the numbers of patients the govt will pay for per year will be "capped", with the drug companies paying for numbers over the cap.

This leaves me quite confused. If this is nearly a done deal, then why is the HepC Council of NSW, amongst others, still campaigning so hard, and why is there such a complete lack of confidence in the govt process that people are taking action like fixhepc.com?

I'm glad fixhepc.com exists, if only to put more very practical pressure on pharma. But as far as my personal decision goes on whether to buy drugs now or wait, I just don't know right now. My last fibroscan a few months ago was "0-1" so maybe I can afford to wait, but waiting just doesn't feel good! I want to have more energy now, but I'd also prefer to do this through a hospital. Hmmm... :whistle:

PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #450

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If you are well with low fibrosis it would be sensible to wait and see.

These meds will get onto the PBS eventually and hopefully everyone who wants access will be able to get access.

I wish it was there now because for people at F4 time who have been refused compassionate access the clock is ticking.

It's there when it's there and dealing with the demand will be a problem but I'm told GPs may be allowed to help which will be required to handle the numbers if the tap gets turned on.

At the moment this is the best that can be done for those who need treatment now rather than later.
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PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #451

At least probably by April, you guys can get your meds.

There is nothing like this for me in the place where i stay.

Have set a dateline for myself: to be treated by december, no matter what.

PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #453

This leaves me quite confused. If this is nearly a done deal, then why is the HepC Council of NSW, amongst others, still campaigning so hard, and why is there such a complete lack of confidence in the govt process that people are taking action like fixhepc.com?

Because of déjà vu.

Glad I didn't rely on them when they said by January. Or by November. Or by August. Or by........

And because a lot of people don't have the time for any more hollow promises or want to be stuck in a situation where we sit and wait until they say jump, and we ask how high on the way up.
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Hep C+ since 1980s
Genotype 1b
VL 480,000
Started Indian Sof and Riba, BMS Dac (comp access) 28 August 2015
UND at 4 weeks
Finished treatment 19 November 2015
12 February 2016 UND SVR12
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PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #459

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If I allow myself to inhabit the part of me that doesn't want to wait... I feel stronger. I feel in charge of my destiny. Not a victim of the villainy of pharma and a government that values patent over patient. I am actively claiming a new life now.

I have low fibrosis - after probably 38 years with this disease my liver is apparently almost normal. But am I "well"? Hard to say. What is "well", as I've never had an adult life free of this disease. I've had years on a disability pension due to overwhelming fatigue. I overcame most of that with diet, meditation and Cathay Herbal's CH100, and I've been working again continuously since 2006. But I've had to drop back to part time the last few years. After 3 days work I'm knackered. For decades I've needed to go to bed by 9.30pm or I'm tired the next day. My diet and stress levels have to be absolutely right or I crash. I've had a very stressful work situation for the last 2 years and I've been doing a lot of crashing. It hasn't felt like "well" for a long time.

Forgive me, I know I'm talking to myself here just to hear how it sounds, and feel how it feels, but it's helping.

I want to have energy. I don't want to wait another year. The precious, potentially active months and years of my late middle age are ticking away as the interminable negotiations drag on.

Yes, maybe PBS approval will come by April. But who's to say it won't be triaged, with the supposedly "well" like me left out to prioritise the heavily fibrotic and cirrhotic? Which exact medications will be approved? Will I have the choice of say, Daclatasvir, or will only the better researched drugs get approval?

And when, eventually, it is approved, it will almost certainly not be completely free. I paid over $400 for the PBS approved Interferon + Ribavirin + Boceprevir a couple of years ago (70 something dollars per script, once per month for 6 months). Will the newer drugs have a larger gap even when PBS approved? Perhaps the financial difference with the buyers club isn't as great as might be assumed.

Anyway, all of this is from the part of me that doesn't want to wait. There are other parts... :whistle:

PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #460

  • Bloot
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My advice is don't wait if there are other feasible options
Get rid of it while you are in relatively good health and can minimise your dose

Demand will exceed supply for a long time at best
Screening for eligibility will be extensive and ongoing
You can pretty much sell yourself to the Department of Health for one year minimum
I'm cynical about government run programmes as I've done it before and it put me off for life pretty much
i would only do it if imminent death was the other option
To hold down a job and do it - I can't imagine how it would work.

I can relate to not knowing what normal is
i was shocked when i received my liver biopsy results about 10 years ago
it explained my occasional completely out of the ordinary near death hangovers

But looking at other 51 year old blokes around, I think I'm doing OK
i get tired, sometimes bone tired, but i don't know - doesn't everyone?

In a way, Hep c has 'helped' me maintain a healthier lifestyle than I would have otherwise
I need to know my boundaries or I will pay an immediate as well as a long term price

Just as I am currently paying the price for disrespecting my body about 30 years ago
i have given little thought to treatment or doctors for 10 years
But I know the time will come to pay the piper, so i am dreaming of one day being rid of this virus which i understand is slowly killing me

I've been pretty verbal for the 2 days I've been here
It's good to try and get one's thoughts in order, especially as I haven't expressed a thought regarding this virus in about 10 years

I think this site and initiative really deserves applause
it says a lot about the 'profit at all cost' state of this world that it is in danger of being taken down

Bloot rant over :lol:
52 y.o. G3a for about 30 years
Previous tx 2004 interferon/ ribavarin
2004: ALT 624 AST 263

Pre tx test 23/10/15: ALT 153 AST 128 VL 11 849 493
6/11/15: Sof/ dac started
26/11/15: ALT 41 AST 41
7/12/15: ALT 36 AST 30 Virus undetected

2004 biopsy F3
Fibroscan appt Jan 11 2016.

PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #461

  • poodle
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Hi I was told by a melbourne hospital not long ago, that the government would pay for treatment of patients for the first five years .After that time the pharmaceutical company would pay for ongoing patients. I was also told the level of fibrosis would not come into it that everyone would be treated. Now I dont know if this means 6000 year 1 15000 year 2 15000 year 3 etc..... adding up to 60,000 for the first 5 years. As this is the second part of the story which i have read since I was told the first part earlier this year. Who's confused ? IT Might mean you have a chance of getting it in the next 5 years but how are they going to determine who and when? Surely it will go to f4 and maybe f3 then when the now f1 and f2 wait enter the new waiting room as they become the new f3 and f4 of the future.
Geno1a 35years fibrosis 2 or 3 different results from different hospitals ??
24weeks mesochem sof/led as unsure of fibrosis status.
currently UND. No bad side effects
Have svr12 ... waiting for svr 24
I now have SVR 36 weeks.

PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #464

Plus 10,000 new cases a year.
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Hep C+ since 1980s
Genotype 1b
VL 480,000
Started Indian Sof and Riba, BMS Dac (comp access) 28 August 2015
UND at 4 weeks
Finished treatment 19 November 2015
12 February 2016 UND SVR12

PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #467

I took CH 100 for 12 years and really didn't do anything. My condition steadily deteriorated and when I stopped I didn't notice any change, the steady deterioration continued.

PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #472

December is my deadline as well. Not damn well waiting another day beyond that.

PBS approval "by April at the latest"??? 8 years 9 months ago #507

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Well if I were the Minister for Health I think I would be looking to by directly from Mesochem or FixHepC Buyers. This would save the Australian Government a fortune however I'm sure they wouldn't have the backbone to entertain such a move. Em
Geno 1b F2/3 snce early 80s. Treated in 2008_9 for 63 weeks on INF/Riba. Commence Sof/Dac on 6 October 2015 and completed 18 weeks of tx. UND at 4-6 weeks, UND at EOT, SVR 2, SVR 6 and SVR 12 on 6 May 2016.
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