I have been on Epclusa for 7 weeks, was undetected after 4, and my liver scan reflects a pristine, healthy organ. I am blessed.
I am also dehydrated down to my toenails, and am drinking numerous quarts of Gatorade every day. I interpret this to mean that the medicine is working its way deep into my tissues to find and kill every one of the little buggers.
I just have to make it 5 more weeks.....
1970's-Bad behavior as a teenager.
2001- Insurance Company denies coverage due to HCV positive
2002- Another HCV positive reading and referral to liver doctor.
2003-Commence Interferon Combination treatment. VL 205,088 after 3 months. Doctor says stop.
2007-VL 1,045,320.
2017-VL 3,121,174.
2.5.18-Commenced generic Epclusa.
3.7.18- VL Undetected!
3.13.18-US Abdomen Complete scan reflects "Normal echogenicity with no mass detected. No dilated intrahepatic biliary ducts".
8.1.18- VL Undetected!