Thanks guys for the thoughts & encouragement .
Yes, one dragon at a time lol.
It was interesting to see the link between HCV & Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
The good thing is, that not everyone that has HCV will contract CLL . (Only me
One thing I found out from my haematologist, was that CLL is very hard to treat if you have the hepC virus.
So it's starting to be very important for me to clear this virus before I need treatment for the CLL .
There's only about 1% that reach the point in needing treatment in the first year. The rest could be somewhere up until 10 years later. ( let's hope that's where I am)
Having my SVR 12 blood test done tomorrow. Boy!!!!! Is that 12 day wait for the results going to feel like a lifetime.
Geno type 1a
Fibrosis 3-4
Treatment experienced Peg-Interferon Ribavirin (Relapsed)
Started 22/10/15 DAA's 24 weeks Sofosbuvir Ledisbovir & 12 weeks Ribavirin
Viral Load at week 4 <15 Detected
Viral Load at week 12 Undetected
Viral Load at week 24 Undetected
Viral Load SVR4 Undetected
Viral Load SVR12 Undetected