Hello Howard,
It would be useful to see your full tests, but that said...
With alcohol, we normally see an isolated rise in the GGT liver enzyme with the AST and ALT enzymes typically being normal. In some patients who drink a lot we may see all of these rise but typically we are not talking moderate drinking, we're talking bottle of scotch, 2-3 bottles of wine, case of beer a day level consumption.
One of the first things I do when presented with unexpected abnormal test results, somewhat as a knee-jerk reaction, is simply to order them again. It's surprising how often the repeat bloods come back normal. If they do I just shrug, make a note to keep an eye on it for a while, and we move on with a "dunno what it was but it seems to be gone now". If on the other hand the repeat comes back abnormal it depends on whether a) things are getting better in which case I would typically just monitor it to see it normalise or b) things are getting worse in which case I would start looking for the cause.
re_roll has suggested an HbA1c which is the 60 day rolling average of your blood sugar levels. This is probably less useful to you right this second because if your blood sugar has not been up for long this won't be up yet - it needs a solid 60 days delay.
Repeating the blood sugar, and CMP nowish would be a useful first step. There are lots of other tests we could add in but if the repeat is normal(ish) a watching brief is probably on the cards.
Besides alcohol there are literally thousands of other things patients take that can impact the liver. "Healthy" supplements can be the cause, for example green tea extract is known to cause liver failure when taken in excessive supplement level quantities, so a key question would be
Besides starting to drink again have you added in any other "drugs" where this would include prescription, non-prescription and supplements - anything that goes through your mouth that is not routine food.
There have been outbreaks of Hepatitis A all around the world, often associated with frozen berries, so it could be you've got a dose of that from a berry smoothie...
Anyway, step 1 is repeat the CMP +/- the BSL so we can see if things are trending better, or trending worse.