Hi Deborah, from another Deborah! And Welcome.
Yes to living in the UK and been through the Redemption trial. Also London Girl has and there are others from the uk some who have bought via here but not on Redemption.
Are you thinking that you may come back to the uk and get the drugs delivered and a bit of monitoring ( have you got family here?)
Monkmed who are in partership with Fixhepc will guarantee to get your drugs to you here via FedEx. Getting a doctor / hospital to be supportive here is the tricky bit, but some people have managed it. Private monitoring/ blood tests are expensive. Personally I liked the feeling of being under the wing of the NHS, also had some high BP problems.
But things are improving I believe and for people going down this route it is becoming more known about and accepted in the NHS.
Vororo posted an interesting link from The Hep C Trust which,as he says, is a pretty conservative organisation.
For an online appt. with GP2U for a script ( there is a link on the homepage here) you will need to know your genotype and your fibrosis level.
All the best to you, hope this helps,
Geno 1a, F1, tx naive, had it 35 yrs.
Started Cipla HepcvirL on 12/01/16
Starting VL 490,000
At 16 days in <15
4 week results: UND
8 week results: UND
5 weeks EOT alt 25
SVR 15 - Not Detected
6 months EOT - Not Detected