Hi Keith,
You have neither NS5A or NS5B resistance. This is good, in fact it does not get any better. 12 weeks Harvoni probably would have done the trick first time round, and would probably still do the trick now.
So really 12-24 weeks of Sof/Led or Sof/Dac or Sof/Vel should all work.
I expect going a little longer than 12 weeks would be good insurance and that skiping Ribavirin would be ok.
We can do (and have done) triple Rx now with available meds but I really don't think you need it. Would not hurt, but a bit more expensive.
Triples that can be done right now:
Paritaprevir+Ombitasvir+Sofosbuvir (Viekira+Sofosbuvir)
The NS3A components are all originator but come from countries where the prices are much more reasonable.
You could probably use Sof/Vel with Simeprevir or Asunaprevir but I have not looked it up.