Since I've been on the protocol with Epclusa ( Sofosbuvir & Velpatasvir), I've read many of the blogs referring to experiences, results, barriers to getting the necessary drugs for a cure and many associated questions to HepC in general. I can't believe how lucky we all are to have found such wonderful and helpful program and STAFF.
I want to share some of things that I have experienced and helped me along way while taking my meds.
1. I took some advice from one our patients and I keep a daily log. When I was participating in certain sports I did the same thing and to this day I'll run across the logs and smile. I'm sure I'll do the same with this log in the future.
2. I set an alarm ( 5pm for me) and there have been a few times that it has been helpful.
3. Since sleep is very important for all things my wife and I sleep in separate rooms, because she comes to bed later than I do. I made an extra room into a very nice suite, with many amenities, so it's not so bad. Thank the lord she's understanding. A funny side to this is the two dogs sleep with her but once a night one of the dogs comes and hangs with me for awhile. After the pills we'll be in the same bed--so nobody worry