Hello Everybody,
a year has passed since I opened this thread and this is a good opportunity to see what happened with the wishes:
I wish to see a politician saying publicly that as long as HCV generic drugs work, a national healthcare program based on it should be implemented;
This wish is unfulfilled. The politicians from my country have had other priorities.
I wish to see a "generic" version of Dr. Freeman in my country;
This wish is unfulfilled. That's sad...
I wish to see that more and more people become aware that the HCV patients may avoid the suffering by taking the interferon-free treatment (and quite fast if they choose the generics path
This wish is partially fulfilled. There have been some advertisements about the HCV interferon-free treatment and people are being advised to get screened.
- the problem "how to access the treatment", especially for those having F0 - F2 fibrosis, continue to persist.
- the solution provided by HCV generic medication is not yet being addressed (I could not find references in the online media that someone is considering the HCV generic drugs).
I wish to see that HCV stigma is vanishing
This wish is unfulfilled.
I wish to see that HCV is gone.... forever and from everywhere!
This wish is unfulfilled.
Looking at these wishes and how much has been done in the last year by the healthcare system, I can only conclude that extremely small progress has been made in my country. And if I would think on how many new cases of HCV appeared in the last year, I fear in fact there is regress. I guess better outcomes, but this is not that visible, have been obtained by those who decided to handle their HCV situation on their own and take the path of generics.
In case you are seeking a cure for your HCV, these lines should motivate you to not give up and understand that you need to be more active in order to get cured. Do not stay passive and let the years pass, hoping that someone will solve your problem. The only one who can do something is YOU and it starts with YOU.
I look forward to see what the next year will bring.
Merry Christmas to anyone!