Pharmaceutical companies are investor driven.I recently read a shocking report by an american investment source advising investors in Gilead that they need not fear competition from other drug companies over new HCV drugs as 240,000 new cases could confidently be expected in the USA every year,and there would be enough profits for everyone.That is the shocking mindset that governs it all.It's capitailism devoid of any morality from a country only too ready to lecture the rest of the world on human rights.Nothing is going to change that.
There is ,however,one faint star on the horizon.It is our own little Australian Benitec Biopharma .Quote from their website.
"Benitec Biopharma has developed a breakthrough platform for treating human diseases called ddRNAi.
Unlike other RNAi-based technologies, ddRNAi effects lasting change in target cells, leading to long term benefit and, potentially, cure. "
Our current clinical pipeline is focused on multi-billion dollar market opportunities in Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, lung cancer and wet Age-related Macular Degeneration, as well as the orphan genetic disease, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy. However, ddRNAi technology has potential well beyond these conditions; it could potentially be applied to countless genes in humans and in disease-causing micro-organisms.'
The technology involves gene silencing.Once the appropriate gene is silenced the virus cannot replicate and a person cannot be reinfected.One of the issues is that,unlike gene splicing,once a gene is turned off it cannot be turned on again,and it is a question of finding the correct vector to work the process..The research is well advanced and 5 trial sites have been set up,Yes, you guessed it,IN THE USA.
I have had a long conversation with Peter French the head scientist.He is very optimistic and confident.If it can be shown to work it will be a major revolution in medicine.
One of the questions I asked him was "If this is successful,its going to punch a massive hole in Big Pharma's profits,how are they going to react.He seemed to think some sort of parnership agreement would emerge.But then he added "Of course if we were made an offer we could not refuse,we may have to rethink."The only help this promising little company gets from the Australian Govt is Tax Concessions.This company operates on a tiny budget,and our local billionaires have shown no investment savvy.Its had to list on the Nasdaq to try and raise capital.
So in other words a discovery,if it shown to work, that could save this country billions will possibly be bought by the yanks in order to protect their own Big Pharma, and sold back to us,probably at a price that we cannot afford.
Are we a stupid country?
Gen 1b 40yrs,tx naive, f3/f4.VL too high to quantify.
Started tx 12Oct.sof and riba India via greg.Dac from Mesochem.
4wk result virus not detected,all liver functions in normal ranges.
Only SE intermittent insomnia.Feel great and grateful otherwise