Hi Hazel,
I'm happy to see your presentation. I just want to bring to your attention that TRIPS article 60 allows for the importation of generics to any member nation for a 3 month supply.
"In accordance with Article 60, Members may exclude from the application of these procedures de minimis imports, i.e. small quantities of goods of a non-commercial nature contained in travellers' personal luggage or sent in small consignments."
I received my medication in the USA and I was not part of Dr. Freeman's Redemption trial; and I did declare it to customs. It is totally legal.
Gt 1a, F0, VL 6.5 million, AST 59, ALT 62
Started Twinvir 1/15/16
6 wk. labs VL UND, AST 27, ALT 20
EOT labs VL UND, AST 23, ALT 19
SVR 16, VL UND, AST 28, ALT 17
SVR 24 , VL UND, 10/8/16
SVR 125, VL UND, 9/22/18
SVR 230, VL UND, 10/3/20