Here we are, posting on a site that was founded because the health care systems where we all live are broken. So, "What is the perfect medical treatment system?" That is a good question.
The answer can be different for each person who is asked. Maybe one group from one country like theirs and another, from the same country, hates it. Could be what works well in a densely populated nation would suck in a place less crowded.
Defining the qualities of a good system are easy: Accessible, affordable, fair, cost-effective, quality medicines, skilled and compassionate doctors, etc. But different countries have to adapt to their unique conditions.
So, in short, it's like asking what came first, the chicken or the egg? But, maybe you live in a place where that isn't a relevant question, because the government tells you which came first. Perhaps there are no chickens where you live, so you really could care less.
I think I will focus my limited intellect elsewhere, as this discussion seems to be an argument waiting to happen.
If I have offended anyone, I am truly sorry.