Hi There,
Im only new here, and would like to now if anyone has had late side effects..
Im Genotype 1b, don't now my viral load or other blood tests as i never recieved a copy of my DR..
But now week 10, blood test show, GGT 29, ALT 16, AST 19..
My question is, at first i was very scared to take this medication but knowing i may be cured after 20 years of hep C and being so very sick as in laziness, no energy, sleeping all the time and so on,i jumped at the chance. I only found out i had hep C 2 weeks before meds stated, so my head was all over the place.
At first i felt a bit weird taking the meds, but i put it down to anxiety, since then i had a few horrible days and feel strange in my mind a lot, still have a fair bit of brain fog, but not so much now
Anyways in the last 3 or 4 weeks, bam, everything is going crazy, my anxiety is sky high, never had depression but all i do now is cry, i still am so lazy and hate everything. By 7.30pm which is the time i take my tablet I'm asleep withy in 10 minutes but wake up early with so many aches and pains in my back and legs, i really concerned My Doc said its normal and should get better once i stop taking the meds, is this true?? Please some one help me i feel like i going crazy....