Hi Vedruss,
I see you've got your meds now and have started taking them, which must feel brilliant. Very pleased for you.
Meanwhile, I was looking at your profile a moment ago and see that you had a biopsy in 2002, which showed some relatively mild damage. There is now a procedure called a fibroscan which is non invasive and gives a good idea of the state of the liver. It measures the elasticity of the organ from which can be deduced the degree of fibrosis (which is expressed in Kpa) because fibrosis makes the liver stiffer.
I wonder if you've ever had one done? If not, you might like to consider it. I say this knowing nothing about what tests are available where you live and whether or not you have to pay for them but if this test was done soonish and then when you get to SVR 12 as you almost certainly will, you would be able to see the current condition of your liver and to what extent it has repaired itself after you are clear of the bug, although the repair process goes on after that very often, if it needs to do so.
Obviously having the test will make no difference to your health but it would mean you were better informed about it. Clearly this assumes that you haven't had it done already so if you have please forgive me for boring you!
All the best,
In my own case there was significant damage before treatment - the initial reading was 9.5 Kpa - but I now have an entirely normal liver and knowing that makes me feel very good! You can find out much more about this topic elsewhere on the site and in the forum, if it is of interest. R
G3a. Probably infected 40 years ago.
Diagnosed July 2015
7/7/2015: ALP 69, ALT 209, WBC 5.8, VL 40,000. Fibroscan 9.5 Kpa.
Commenced treatment Sof/Dac (Natco Pharma) 24 wks in Feb 16
VL UND @ 4 wks, 12 wks
EOT 6/7/16
SVR 12
SVR 24
PHEW! Thank you so much Dr James, Monkmeds and all at Fixhepc