When I first did all the lab work before starting this treatment, one of things SUPER out of range (besides viral load obviously) was my Ferritin. It was 988. Range is (10 - 232).
So concurrently with my DAA treatment, I started getting phlebotomies every 2 weeks. I researched online and figured out what to eat and drink and what not to eat or drink for high iron, and I did ALL of it. So today it's 1 month since starting DAA treatment and my new Ferritin score is 31 as of today!!! So that's crazy different. That's the LOW end of in range.
I personally feel that doing this treatment and removing the virus so the liver starts functioning properly would probably have handled the iron all on its own, but I like to think my diet changes and phlebotomies were part of it, too. In any case, SOME of the side effects of this treatment are things like Body Functions Properly, Things that weren't working, now work, Things that were hurting don't. So bring on the side effects, I say. A bit of good news fo yo ass.
XO, erica
No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)