Hi Gaj & Beaches,
yes, you are right about the ridiculous price of 11 000 Euro shown there - even though this is the price of a nice 1 week vacation in India + medication. Last year, when I was searching ways to get treated, the price of this medical tourism agency was 12 000 Euro
. For a Romanian person 11 or 12 thousands Euro is a huge amount of money. However, there are several BUTs.
1) Before getting to know about Fixhepc or Greg Jefferys, in my searches of how to get treated, I was often seeing this medical tourism package and the "lower" price by compare with the price for the branded medication pushed me to search further about how I could get the generic medication. So .... in the end, it was "pretty good" to me to see the information that the drugs from India are effective.
2) There exist in Romania a support group for patients having all types of hepatitis, however I've never heard this group talking openly / honestly about the generic medication for HCV. What I see very often from the president of this support group is a constant demand addressed to the government for more money in order to treat more people and at the same time the president declares often that the patients proceed with desperate actions and risk their lives by ordering the medication over the internet. Personally, I do not like how this president it doing such talking because instead of pushing forward the idea that more people could get treated for less money with the generic medication, the only thing she does is to scare people in not proceeding with the generic medication and many are perhaps convinced to stay ill and wait.
3) In the past year, I was looking at the various news on TV in Romania about hepatitis C and nobody (till recently) was talking about medication from Asia / India. It was like people (especially doctors) were some kind of puppets talking about the treatment of hepatitis C in general and struggled to not speak about the solution coming from Asia. As far as I know, this video would be the first one (maybe I am wrong, but I doubt) being shown on a public television talking about HCV drugs made in Asia.
Overall, I am not too happy about the content of the video, but for the moment I prefer to see the "full half" of the glass: on a Romanian public television it was mentioned that HCV medication from Asia can be used to treat HCV.