Hi everyone, I find it interesting that other meds, ie Redemption ones are getting delivered. Maybe the amount of sellers has become a safety concern to the authorities and they are trying to keep an eye on things. It wouldn't look good on India if they were not seen to have at least some controls in place maybe, eg legitimate sellers, prescriptions and that kind of thing? It would only take one thing to go wrong and it could throw their whole stance on patents / access to meds up in the air and subsequently sick patients could suffer in the future.
Also, maybe the international courrier services are tightening up on rules too? I suspect big pharma wouldn't have to do much except sit back with grins on their faces as the whole thing collapses due to some parties breaking Indian law and not doing things properly. Who would suffer in the end? Those untreated.
As I have said before, I personally chose to go through Redemption / MonkMed because there is an official trial, paperwork all done correctly and legally. This also gave my NHS Drs the extra confidence to support me by way of monitoring, when for many of us, the cost of private monitoring is totally prohobitative, especially in the UK. If the big picture is, to help poor people get access to life saving medicines, then I feel collectively, maybe we should all think about how not to jeopodise all the good work that has been done this far. If this sounds really 'preachy' - I don't mean it that way, I know so many hearts are so totally in the right place, but maybe food for thought?
I really feel for those people whose meds are caught up or delayed, it must be very distressing, I will never forget the feeling of hope when I followed my own little parcel across the world by way of FedEx tracking.
I am not on the Facebook thing, but would again advise those who are freaking out, to seek medications through a trusted reliable source who make sure all the relevant paperwork and legalities are in order. after all, It's not expensive to get a prescription any more, although quality shipping is a little more!
(edit) and as an added thought, to show respect towards one of the countries that have made our own access to medicines possible at all.