Hi Everybody,
2016 was a great year (at least to me) to find out that generic HCV drugs can effectively treat HCV and can be purchased legally and at affordable prices. Since then many have changed for me in good, except one thing that is still in the category of "unsolved problems": the HCV stigma.
Therefore I open this thread with the hope that debating about the subject of HCV stigma will generate some good ideas.
As I mentioned in other threads as well, before that I got treated with generics, I was not talking too much about my case with other people (only in a close circle) and I had to document myself quite a lot before taking the decision to get treated with generics in order to overcome many obstacles that I had at that time:
- fear that the medication might be fake or not having the right substances (now it is solved, it was not fake and I am cured)
- fear that I might be scammed (now it is solved, thanks to FixHepC and Greg, I was not scammed)
- fear that my doctor will "throw me out from the office" if I will start to discuss with him about HCV generics (now it is solved, my doctor was listening very careful my case and analyzed properly the information I got from dr. Freeman about generics and the REDEMPTION trials)
- fear that I might be doing something illegally if I would purchase the medication from India (now it is solved as I learned that this is legally in my country)
- fear that I will not be able to handle/manage the fears those around me had about the generic HCV medication (at one point I stopped thinking on what the others might be thinking as their fears were no longer helping me).
And the list can continue...
I thought that after I will get cured, the HCV stigma I perceive will vanish, unfortunately it is not like this. The stigma still exists, yet it has a different shape:
- those very close to me who knows I am cured, think "WOW, it is great that you did it", but we do not talk too much about it.
- however those who hear about my case and are not close to me, are reluctant and express their doubts which are similar with the fears that I mentioned above. At this point I am not clear whether they have doubts related to my person or related to the medication, nevertheless it is not pleasant to deal with it.
Just to add another bit of information: I am living in a former communist country, where the "old system" induced among many people the "lack of trust" in other people. So whenever someone has a good news to communicate , the person will be judged/analyzed a lot .... except for the news which sometimes is simply forgotten
(hey guys, do not judge me, judge whether HCV generic really works
In the forums / mass media from my country there exist very few discussions about the HCV treatment option provided by the generic drugs and quite often, in the few places where there are some discussions about it, one can see also the comments of some people who express their doubts and blame the generics or the people who got treated with generics, accusing them of trying to trick the sick people .... In short words, even though the HCV virus can now be defeated, the HCV stigma is not yet defeated. Not even (some of the) doctors are willing to discuss openly about the generic drugs ...
Because of these aspects, my personal choice is to not disclose my identity, even though I am aware that disclosing my identity might help some people. At the same time ... I am pretty sure that doing this might harm me...
If someone of you have any ideas or thoughts about the topic of HCV stigma, please drop some words in this thread