My GP surgery is in the city centre, a large practice which has a liver clinic once a week. I also have a Consultant in the hospital.
My GP did tests in March, and came back positive hep C
I was offered the usual interferon and Ribervan....told my Consultant, Liver Nurse and GP that I wanted to do generic treatment with fixhepc....
So my liver nurse has been doing blood tests, in GP surgery. This has come out of GP surgery budget.
But they are all keeping in the loop...the nurse is from the hospital and works with my Consultant. I have 3 days left on 12 weeks of sofosbuvir & daclatasvir .... all looking good on that thankfully...
My GP has been so supportive because at the end of the day the Consulant had said he wouldn't monitor, he did say he would re visit the subject at the next ' meeting'.... and it's a stress you could do without really isn't it.... they know generics work... we know they work ....