I had all kinds of skin conditions before getting rid of hepC, lots of other stuff too, turns out some was hepC and apparently other symptoms were autoimmune derived due to various food intolerances, basically I went on exclusion diet during treatment for hepC and my rashes disappeared, gradually I reintroduced various foods and found a few which did not agree with me, dairy, soy and eggs the main ones,
Note I didn't stop drinking alcohol, just switched to a gluten free beer,
Still not sure about gluten, can't afford the bloody tests,, still have seborrhea though not as bad as it was a year ago before treatment, I wonder how much this virus plays with our immune/autoimmune systems in general,, and what if any permanent changes it leaves behind,
12 month EOT tests next week,,,
regards jim
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl