I'm on day 5 of my Epclusa (Hep C , Genotype 2). I hav ehad various mild side effects, but off and on I seem to get a sensation of my chest tightening, almost like the beginning of a panic attack. If I get active doing some mild chore, or playing guitar, it gets my mind off this sensation. Other wise, intermittently I get a cough, usually when the chest-tightening symptom is occurring. Mild headache comes and goes. General fatigue is present, but not overwelming, except on Day 3, when I did 3 hours of carpentry work, and thought I was going to pass out directly afterwards. I use 20 mg of prescribed atorvastatim, but spoke to my pharmacist and now have reduced that to 10 mg. I'm 65 and likely contracted my HepC 45 -48 yrs ago. I hope I make it through my 12 weeks. OLD Dave