I think that the subject of drug Resistance to NS3 and NS5A class drugs is an important one for anybody taking these classes of drugs, eg. simeprevir, ledipasvir, daclatasvir. I am not the expert on this subject, I can only cite my own story.
I did a trial back in 2007 using telaprevir, an NS3 protease inhibitor. I figured, what the he!!, the worst that can happen is that it doesn't work. I was wrong. What did happen was that most people in my arm of the trail failed to reach SVR, including me, and I was left with drug resistant variants to the NS3 class of drugs which limited my possibilities for treatment going forward.
***Nobody told me that this might happen.***
Back then I might have still done the trial even if somebody had explained to me about drug resistance. With hindsight and the knowledge that has been gained since then, I wouldn't have done it. The difference between now and back then is that now we have very effective drugs and the chances of getting to SVR first time around are very high. So the risk of failing and being left with drug resistance is very small. I am only writing about it here because nobody told me about it and I think that was wrong. Somebody should have told me. I didn't know that it was a risk that I was letting myself in for, and I should have been informed. So now you all are.