Hi Dixieleeg and Welcome,
Thanks for sharing your story. I can see that you have had a few health challenges. I also had HepC for a long time and remember that letter from the Red Cross very well.
I recently cleared on the new medication (still waiting for the 24 week post treatment milestone) but all kudos to you for clearing the virus under that older and much tougher treatment regime.
Hopefully we can keep sharing our stories and spreading the word.
G1a probably early 1980's, Biopsy F1(2010), F2-F3(2015). VL 5+mill; 2+mill (2014) Tx naive. Accessed Sof/Led through Dr Freeman at GP2U and Buyers Club (lifesavers!!!)
Commenced tx 12/11/15. 9 wk: VL <15 Detected but LFT = Normal 12 week results: UND (Yay!) Due to slow response commenced Sof/Dac 4 Feb for 12 weeks. EOT @ 24 weeks 27 April 2016. (With thanks to Dr Freeman et al). SVR11 result: VL 1,950,000. It's back!
New tx 030916 (Viekira Pak, Solvadi, Ribavirin UND @ 111116. EOT 170217.
SVR12 and SVR 24