Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories End of Treatment – EOT 6 months after treatment

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  • #29787
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    • Acolyte
    • ★★

    Hi folks. I wanted to share that I just received today my 6 months after end of treatment HCV RNA results (took 3 months generic harvoni treatment from fixhepc) and they are….. NEGATIVE!
    My ast/alt numbers stayed nice and low since week 4 of treatment till now. I did a fibroscan which is showing what seems to be a very healthy liver (i was always 0-1 in the fibroscan tests, but the value was improving in the last few years, with the last one done now, 6 months after treatment, being the lowest number ever, showing no liver damage at all)

    I hope that this means to have the hcv chapter closed but, of course, never forgoten. I learned so much through this battle. Want to appreciate this site and the people that work here, and wish best of luck and health to all forum users.

    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi KarenB,

    That is wonderful news and thanks so much for sharing. Our personal stories can sometimes help others who may be nervous and unsure to consider treatment. Wishing you your best Hep C free life.

    Coral #flower

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