Home Forums Main Forum FixHepC Admin am i cured or not

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    Hi there, i took zepitar for the entire time 3 months, and went back to see my dr. I ask for the last bloods and he said there was no need as i was cured of hep c.
    My question is i still am not well and had bloods done a few days ago and my ggt is showing 55 which is high, and my asL is about the same but it also says high besides it.
    Does this mean i haven’t been cured of hep C or is my numbers just high as I’m sick.
    Someone please help me I’m going crazy and still sick, also vomiting like crazy..

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Tanya, welcome to the forum, and sorry to hear that you’re still feeling sick.
    The only way to know if you’re cured or not is to take a blood test (called Hepatitis C RNA Quantitative) 3 months after finishing treatment. If the result is undetected, then you’re cured (with 99.7% certainty). Dr James Freeman should be giving you his opinion about what you said, but please answer these questions : Have you taken the mentioned test at least 3 months after finishing treatment? Did it show that the virus is undetected?

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    no i didn’t. I went to my Dr and asked him for it, but he said no need you are cured. I thought that is not right, but his not my usual Dr that i always see so i left it at that.. Do you think with having the high GGT and ASL results i still have it??

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Tanya, it’s very strange that the doctor told you that you’re cured without asking for the 3 months post treatment HCV RNA test, that definitely doesn’t sound right as you said. I will let Dr James answer your GGT and ASL results question.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Tanya,

    There are many causes for feeling unwell and having elevated liver functions, but in somebody who has just finished treatment for hep c with Zepatier (or Harvoni or Maviret or Epclusa) treatment failure would be top of the list.

    While the treatment failure rates are low 95% cure rate means 5% failure rate – so if I treat 20 patients with Hep C this week one will fail.

    As Mar has said – you need an HCV PCR RNA test to see if the virus is still present.

    If it is, don’t panic. Retreatment is easily done and very effective.

    If it isn’t we need to look for other causes of problems.

    Either way you probably need a doctor with more of a clue…


    • Topics: 3
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    Thank you i will go see another Dr today. feeling awful and cannot stop vomiting. I knew this Dr should of done a 12 week end of treatment test as i have read many times. Anyways thanks guys for all your time..

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Good luck Tanya, hopefully it’s something else, not a relapse. Either way we need to work out what’s making you feel sick.


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