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    I started generic Harvoni 8 days ago and have been feeling flu like symptoms for the last 3 days. Started out as a bit of a sore throat but is now a headache, exhaustion, muscle aches, fogginess in my mind, and some dizziness. No longer have a sore throat or any sinus issues. I am beginning to think these symptoms are from the medication and not a general cold flu.

    Had to call out sick from work yesterday and left early from work today. Called my liver specialist but had to leave a message and haven’t received a call back yet. May need to take tomorrow off as well but I can tell my boss isn’t happy. Told him I am on a new medication but obviously cannot tell him the entire truth.

    Just wondering if anyone else felt similarly during their treatment?

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    Have you read the section in this forum on diet (especially supplements) greatly increasing the blood levels of your dosage ? Maybe it is something you are eating or taking that is making your side effects so harsh ?

    I hope you get better soon

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello Catemae,

    Yes this is most likely related to the medication.

    While you can get a cold or flu at any time – before, during and after treatment – the start of treatment is often exactly as you describe.

    What I tell my patients to expect is this:

    You know that feeling you get just before you are about to get flu? Muscle aches, joint aches, headaches and feeling a bit miserable. That’s what the start of treatment is often like and happens because you are killing off all the virus. It usually only lasts for a few days and responds to increased fluids, and simple analgesics like panadol (tylenol), aspirin, nurofen.

    It should not last too long and will hopefully be better tomorrow that it was today.

    As far as grumpy boss goes if you turn up looking sick and then say you have to go home it makes it very evident you’re not having a sickie…


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    I am not currently on any other medications or supplements. I took ibuprofen yesterday for my headache. I know I need to avoid a list of things. I was tempted to take Emergen-C but read the ingredients list and it contains some anti-acids so I didn’t take it.

    Just took my temperature and it’s at 99.6. Not very high but I guess still considered a low-grade fever. I will contact my doctor tomorrow.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello catemae,

    It is pretty routine. Some patients notice next to nothing, but what you describe is very common.

    It would be worth having about 3 litres of fluid a day and some regular ibuprofen 2 x 200 mg 3 times a day – both these will help you feel better.

    You are right that it’s best to avoid antacids with Harvoni where possible. The occasional dose will do no harm, but less is more.


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    Thank you so much for your response, Dr. Freeman. I was becoming nervous but your explanation made me feel a lot better. It’s almost comforting to feel a bit sick because that means it’s working! I’ve had a hard time lately balancing work and my own health. Thankfully I am done with this job on the 13th and will be able to focus more on my treatment!

    Thanks again. I will be able to rest easier tonight.

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    Hi catemae,

    Congratulations on starting your treatment. When I was on the medication it was sometimes hard to tell what could be attributed to side effects, what was a normal and unrelated illness and what could be attributed to the ongoing effects of Hep C. I do remember feeling a bit fluey initially but I imagined it to be the first battalion of soldiers going in hard and fast on the virus and that helped!

    You sound like you have a great positive attitude and I hope that you feel better soon. Believe me you will feel progressively better and better as you clear this virus. Drink heaps of water, try to get some good sleep and be kind to yourself. You’re on your way.

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    Thank you for the advice and the kind words! I already feel a bit better today and was able to work. I dug out a 1 liter water bottle today and already drank two of them. I plan on having another before bed (shouldn’t be hard considering I’m terribly thirsty!)

    I’m very grateful for everyone’s support. This forum has saved my nerves many times already!

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    Hi im at day six of my velasof medication.. I had bad flu like symptoms on day four. had to sleep for a few hours.

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    Also the day i had the flu symptoms is the day i didn’t have my pill with food. I always have the meds with food……

    Avatar photoAriel
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    Hi Ianning
    It’s two years plus since I was early tx on Sof/Led. I sweated and felt a bad headache and quite flu type of exhaustion too for the first week or so. I would need to read my blog of tx Ariel takes the plunge which is on here somewhere in patients stories. I recall others also having similar sx. As always if you are concerned check in with the Doctor that probably goes without saying though.
    Hoping you feel better soon and enjoy the new energy and less brain fog and so on.
    Wishes for a good outcome
    Happy Splashes from Ariel

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    Hi Ianning,

    Over time there seems to have been some side effects that are more common than others for people on treatment. These tend to be those flu like symptoms in the first few weeks, the need to drink lots of water, headaches and sleeplessness. Not everyone experiences these and some people have other side effects as well. I had the headaches and dodgy sleep more than anything else.

    As Ariel said it’s good to check with a doctor if symptoms persist because sometimes it can be something totally unrelated to the virus and treatment.

    You have your first week done and dusted so it won’t be long before you start to feel some of the good effects. Be kind to yourself.

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    Hi Ariel,

    Thanks for your kind words. I only had the flu thing the one day luckily. I mainly have tiredness and abit foggy in the head. No problem sleepy wich im rapt about…

    Thanks Again

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    Hi Coral,

    Thanks for the reply. Its good to get as much info as possible. There doesnt seem to be alot of people that have taken this medication or have i not found them yet.


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello lanning,

    It sounds pretty routine. The way I explain what to expect to patients is like this:

    There is a 1 in 5 chance you get headaches and a 1 in 5 chance you get insomnia.

    The first week you take the treatment you kill off most of the virus so it feels a bit like just before you get flu, or when you are getting better. You can expect to be a little less well than the week before you started but not really so sick you can’t go to work.

    After that, for most people it’s just pop the pills and not a lot to report.

    If you get insomnia you will get tired during the treatment.

    Just because you are treating don’t forget you can still get every other disease under the sun, so if things don’t seem quite right…


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