Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories Helpful Hints During Treatment Mavyret advice would be greatly appreciated

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    Hello Everyone,

    I’m on my fifth day of a Mavyret treatment and was just curious what advice anyone has for the treatment process. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. What I’m most curious about is after the treatment is there a noticeable difference in certain things? Thanks in advance. Glad i found this website.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Chris1234,

    Mavyret is a very clean drug combination that tends to cause very few side effects. The most important thing is simply to take the 3 pills at roughly the same time of day, every day, and not forget to take them.

    The effect of treatment tends to depend on how symptomatic you are.

    During the first week, the vast majority of the virus is killed off and some patients notice a mild flu like illness.

    By week 2, if you’ve been (say) getting some brain fog you may well find that starting to clear.

    By week 4 it’s not unusual for patients to say “I have not felt this good for 20 years”


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    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Chris1234,

    Congratulations on starting your treatment. Most people are pretty surprised at the low number or complete lack of side effects and I wish that for you.

    I did get a bit fluey initially and my particular treatment caused some (bearable) headaches but as time goes on it is the improvements rather than the side effects that become apparent. The brain fog that was such a big issue for me improved during treatment and continued to improve long after I was cured.

    I can now see that there was some depression mixed up in all of the crappiness of having Hep C as well as the exhaustion of trying to maintain some sense of functional normality with the heavy burden of having the virus on my back. For me there was a gradual improvement in my energy levels and general sense of well being.

    Now that I am a couple of years cured I can absolutely see the differences between pre and post Hep C and those improvements started as soon as the medication started to take effect.

    The best advice is to take every single pill at the same time every day to the very last. Drink lots of water, eat well, get some exercise and have faith that this treatment works. You also have Dr James, one of the most experienced Hep C experts in the world and all round amazing human, in your corner.

    Wishing you all the best for your treatment. Let us know how you are travelling.

    Coral #flower

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    Im 5 days in on the Mayvret too. I wish you luck as well. This place is where we need to be for support and expert advice.

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    Im about to start mavyret.So scared.Is the pill really big?Is it possible to cut it in halves?

    Thank you

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    Im about to start mavyret.Would you please tell me is it hard to swallow the pill…is it really big?im scared of everything in this process..i d appreciate ypur help


    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Chris, welcome to the forum, there is really nothing to worry about, please see my reply to your other post here.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Kris,

    The Mavyret pills are quite small. It could have been 1 big tablet but they made it as 3 little ones to make swallowing them easier.

    While no medication is 100% side effect free Mavyret gets pretty close to that ideal. Most people cruise through treatment without any problem whatsoever.


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    After treatment is night and day. I finished treatment 15 months ago and was just today thinking of the colossal mental and physical difference, from all those years before, and these 15 months after.
    Sometimes I feel like thanking the manufacturer! it really is an astonishing difference. I had some side effects and I think most of it stemmed from fear and anxiety. I also felt sort of “stoned” for the length of the treatment which was uncomfortable.
    Drink lots of water, when you feel like crashing (if you do), crash and rest. Eat healthily!

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello tototo,

    Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s so much more real for people to hear it direct from the horse’s mouth as it were, rather than from a doctor.

    Best wishes



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