The window is still open for importation of meds, either by Redemption trials or Incepta pharmaceuticals (for sure) or other vendors. For Incepta, contact This is your chance to cure yourself, before Trump or Ryan block access to these medications. One bribe to these bastards, and you are screwed! I sound like a lunatic for your benefit. Understand I am cured, and have no financial benefit here. I want you to be cured.
Maybe 10 years from now you can still get these meds, but maybe 1 week from now access is blocked. Also, please understand with Hep C, you can go from F0 to F4 and complete liver failure in a matter of months. If you know you have Hep C, the time to treat is today, Contact Dr. Freeman or Dr. Devsam. Make an appointment for consultation at It’s a very reasonable price. They will give you a prescription that can be used in Bangladesh and I believe in India too