Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories SVR SVR at 14 weeks post treatment !!!! :)

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  • #24244
    Avatar photoBob in ireland
    • Topics: 6
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    • Recovery Champion
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    Hi ALL– this is really very good news :) YIPPEEE !!

    liver functions all in normal ranges

    spleen swolen and platelet v low at 44,000- WBC 1.4 ….. my consultant said that my body is producing both but they are all being stored in the spleen due to having portal vein cirosis/ scarring /pressure

    shes not overly worried and feel that in time this will improve

    Best to you all
    from Bob in ireland :) :cheer:

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Great news Bob! SVR 14! Congratulations! :cheer: :+1:

    Next stop SVR 24!

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