Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories Helpful Hints During Treatment Week 1 of treatment update

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  • #29285
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    • Acolyte
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    Hello all,
    I’d just like to share that I’m done with week 1 of generic Harvoni pills. Took the 7th one this morning.

    Compared to my fears of how treatment will go and what side effects I may face and weather I would be able to keep my daily chores as usual etc etc, I should say that: I dont feel any side effects so far whatsoever.

    I take the pill in the morning in the mid of a light breakfast. And than I continue my day with all my usual activities (walking the dog, bike ride to office, working, some light exercise in the afternoon, house chores, evening walk with the dog…;) I try to eat healthy balanced meals and drink lots of water, even a bit more than usual, since I picked that advice here from all of you guys:)

    Feeling good and hope that to stay unchanged during the next 11 weeks too. I also hope that the pill is still doing some work inside, even though it doesnt show:)

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Karen, I’m glad that you didn’t feel any side effects at all, the modern Hep C medications are a walk in the park compared to the older Interferon based treatments. Don’t worry, the drug is working behind the scenes, most patients don’t feel any side effects either, and the cure rate is over 90%. Drinking plenty of water is key here. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing for the remaining 11 weeks as well, best of luck.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    Dear Mar,
    thanks a lot, I really hope it does its work “behind the scenes” :)

    I first thought to follow my doctors advice to test just 12w after treatment, but Ill probably like to also do a check at some mid point too. I hope for the best & I’ll be letting you know. Thank you & bests!

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi KarenB,

    If you want a sneak peek, and assuming your ALT was elevated on your CMP you can just do that. It typically falls to normal within 2 weeks of starting treatment. This is a lot less expensive than a viral load.

    There is an 80% chance you will be undetected by the end of week 4, so that’s the time to look.


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    • Acolyte
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    Dear Dr. James,
    thank you! this what you said sounded very reasuring, i truly hope at the end of this journey, to be among the lucky 90%+ with SVR….

    I actually planned to do exactly what you suggest: check the enzymes at week 4.And than maybe do viral load just after week 8,cause this was initially the duration of treatment that i was prescribed by my doctor although then we decided to take the full 12 weeks just to be on the safe side.

    looking forward to each of this milestones.

    thank you for being here <3

    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Karen,

    I’m happy to hear that you are into your second week and everything is going well. The medications really are the quiet achievers, just going about their business killing the virus and allowing us to go about ours while they do it.

    Good luck – it’s really such a short time for incredible long term effects.

    Coral #flower

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    • Acolyte
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    Dear Coral hi,
    thanks for your words of encouragement- means so much.

    The very thought of the possibility to be clear is so motivating, that it makes me feel better than ever… It’s a placebo which comes as a bonus:) – hope that the drugs work too though:) Last couple of days I feel few times per day a tingling sensation on the upper right side, and I am imagining that it’s the harvoni beating the virus:) :) :)

    I look forward the LFT at week 4. Keeping fingers crossed. Will share results here.


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi KarenB,

    Feeling a few twinges where your liver is – right side, under the ribs at the top of your abdomen is quite normal. It is indeed your liver shrinking as the damage done by the virus begins to be undone.


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