Home Forums Main Forum Experts Corner when can I stop the Riba

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    • Acolyte
    • ★★

    oh I’m so tired, cannot sleep and I am anticipating driving Adelaide to Melbourne.
    Started Sofi + Dacla 4 weeks ago
    Riba 2 weeks ago
    My results RNA <15
    Perfect liver function
    The question is...can I stop taking the Riba
    The GP i'm seeing doesn't have an answer and haven't been able to get into the clinic as yet (not been in Adelaide long)
    Thanks in advance for input

    G1b since “87 This is first treatment VL 1,100,000 F4
    24 wk Sof+ Dac started 17/12/2015 Riba 06/01/2016
    HB 145 WCC 4.1 Platelets 107

    8 wk UNdetected

    Avatar photodointime
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    There will be others on to tell you if riba is clinically advised for you. It would help them to know more details, eg your genotype, chirrotic?, previous tx.

    I will just add that a few people do have a fast drop in haemoglobin levels in response to riba. My doc does a blood test at 2 weeks in order to look for that. If this is what is making you so tired then it does have to be addressed.


    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Lizzi,

    As dt says, full blood test to make sure you are not getting anaemic from the riba. My past treatment history indicated I wouldn’t but specialist still checked after 2 weeks to make sure. Then every 4-6 weeks through treatment depending on how they fit with other tests. Riba sides vary a lot depending on the person. The other details dt listed will help us see why riba was prescribed.

    G3a since ’78 – Dx ’12 – F4 (2xHCC)
    24wk Tx – PEG/Riba/Dac 2013 relapsed
    24wk Tx – Generic Sof/Dac/Riba 2015/16 relapsed
    16wk Tx – 12/01/17 -> 03/05/17 NS3/NS5a + Generic Sof
    SVR7 – 22/06/17 UND
    SRV12 – 27/07/17 UND
    SVR24 – 26/10/17 UND
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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    • Novice

    I am on my second try to be cured. My first attemt was without the Riba,8 weeks ,my second try is with the Riba ,and 16 weeks. First attempt I had no sideeffects at all,but this time,with the Riba,I got sick from the first day,throwing up for a week,then on and of for 2 weeks,and finally now,it seems like that part is over. But after 4 weeks, I started to get many ,a lot of small wounds on my legs and arms,itching and bleeding like hell,because of the thin blood the Riba gives. Tired and headaches all the time. I was undetected after week 4,and my doctor said that if it was not better after 2 weeks more,he would take me of the Riba. I dont know if there is any length or its a matter of how your body cope,with it. Now I am in the middel of week 7,and finally things begin to settle down,so unless the bloodtest,shows any animia,I will stay on the Riba to the end,just in case. Hope you get better. A fellow HepCgeno3 from Denmark.

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    • Acolyte
    • ★★

    Thank you all for your responses, so good to hear others stories. Actually slept a bit last night feel thick achy but okay today..Had bloods 8/1/16 and going to get tested today.
    Sorry didn’t think yesterday to put in my results so here goes:
    G1b since “87 This is first treatment
    24 wk Sof+ Dac started 17/12/2015 Riba 06/01/2016
    Fibroscan hepascore 15 (2015) although all ultrasounds and other scan showed healthy liver no evidence of cirrhosis. Last one states No liver mass. No sonographic evidence of cirrhosis. No portal hypertension. So I tend to not trust the hepascore…
    RNA=1100000 Platelets=107 Neutrophilis=1.9 ALT=136 AST=137
    As at 8/1/16
    RNA=<15 Platelets =97 Neutrophilis=1.8 ALT=18 AST=23

    G1b since “87 This is first treatment VL 1,100,000 F4
    24 wk Sof+ Dac started 17/12/2015 Riba 06/01/2016
    HB 145 WCC 4.1 Platelets 107

    8 wk UNdetected

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Lizi,

    It is hard to see why you need either 24 weeks treatment or Riba.

    There is no such thing as a hepascore of 15 – the range is 0 – 1.0

    If you are GT1b, treatment niave and non cirrhotic your SVR rate is at least 97% (possibly 100%) with 12 weeks treatment.

    Here is all the trial data for Sof + Dac in GT1

    Sofosbuvir Daclatasvir

    default: svr: 97%, trials: ALLY-2 naive (80/83) experienced (43/44) Aggregate 96.8% (123/127)
    w24: svr: 100%, trials: AI444040 (24wk) 100% (44/44)
    gt1a: default: svr: 96%, trials: ALLY-2 naive 96% (68/71) experienced 97% (32/33) Aggregate 96.2% (100/104)
    gt1b: default: svr: 100%, trials: ALLY-2 naive 100% (12/12) experienced 100% (11/11) Aggregate 100% (23/23)
    default: svr: 91%, trials: ALLY-2 naive 89% (8/9) experienced 92% (12/13) Aggregate 90.9% (20/22)
    default: svr: 98%, trials: ALLY-2 98% (43/44)


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