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  • in reply to: Increased AST/ALT ratio during and after treatment #27754
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    HI John Smith

    Your awesome – good on you for making all these positive changes. Imagine how great you will be feeling when you kick the virus. You will be rocking it!

    My vice was to reach for a chocolate bar or a bag of crisps when I hit the afternoon fade. Strangely or happily enough that fade has disappeared since starting on the treatment. Much easier now to settle for the healthier option of an apple or crackers. Not saying chocolate still isn’t one of my favourite things, but I don’t feel the urgency that I had previously.

    Good luck with everything


    in reply to: 2 week update #27752
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    Interesting enough the nurse refers to this site for information. Guess that makes the site world famous in NZ!

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction of tests at the 3 week mark. I think when your feeling quite low the anxiety tends to build, but feeling there is a plan in place now.

    Much appreciated


    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27749
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    HI Ariel
    Was delighted to be left a message by a mermaid! Not sure if it was drug induced, but had a lovely visual of mermaid tail splashing about in shallow waters!
    Other than feeling real down on energy levels due to the anemia, am actually feeling pretty darn good. Lighter and brighter.
    This is a walk in the park compared to the interferon.
    I took a very bleak journey with interferon (No ribavirin) some many years ago. Unfortunately I didn’t rise from the ashes as a glorious golden figurine. More like a ship wreck survivor clinging to a flotation device, with a damp box of matches as an only possession. Sure there is land in sight, distant blue haze, but that could be an interferon induced mirage!!
    I guess if I was offered interferon as an only option I would say yes. But it would be on the proviso that I could have a padded locked cell and no human contact for the duration of the treatment!
    Kept seeing ribavirin in the same sentence as interferon and my blood was running cold. Just plain chicken scared. But all is well and with a few tweaks can only get better.
    So happy to hear your well and free of this nasty virus, and feeling confident I will be doing the victory dance before too long.
    I hear what your saying, Dr James is the bees knees!

    in reply to: 2 week update #27748
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    HI again

    Haemoglobin has dropped further now 97 was 110. I am taking 1000mg, which the hepc nurse suggests I drop by 400mg. 1 tablet in the morning and 2 at night.
    Next blood tests are due on the 9th. The hope is not to lose too much of the benefits of the ribaviran due to the reduced dosage.


    in reply to: 2 week update #27726
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    3HI Dr James

    Yes I am taking the ribavirin,
    The next bloods are due on the 9th April, but I will ask for tests again on the 3rd.

    Many thanks


    in reply to: Need advise for gt4 treatment #27724
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    Good luck Kaju

    Wishing you all the very best


    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27722
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    Hi Sabrecat

    Getting to the point where I finally had a prescription to get the meds seemed to take eons and was a bit frustrating.

    On the other the importation was really quick. Suddenly they were sitting on the kitchen table, and I couldn’t help but think, crikey, I am not ready for this!

    It did take a few days for the end goal to come into focus, and with a deep breath and words of encouragement along with a reality check from the voices on this site I did get underway.

    I may play with the dosage as well, but this is due to a lowered red blood count.

    2 week results back today and everything normal except for the red guys

    Signing off as Normal


    in reply to: Hello #27620
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    Hi Chattypie

    Welcome to you. I have been part of this forum for about a week, and have found the information, help and shared stories to be invaluable, a place where where you don’t feel your walking alone!

    A big wave from New Zealand


    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27619
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    THANK you

    I seem to be doing ok, bit of a wobbly tummy, and some heartburn, but all manageable.

    The bogey man behind the wardrobe door wasn’t quite what as bad as imagined

    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27593
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    Hi Coral

    Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I bit the bullet and started Ribavirin yesterday morning. 4 days later than the sof/dac, but in some ways this might be a blessing. A blessing in being able to determine what is making me feel a particular way, rather than building the effects of the ribaviran into something it isn’t! Hope that makes a little sense.

    It may be due to the relief of surviving my first week (it has had some rocky moments), but other than feeling a mental fatigue, I actually feel lighter, as if something as shifted inside of me. Curious sensation☺

    Very grateful already for the guidance received by Dr James, and the support in importing the meds, and this awesome knowledge is everything based site.

    Thanks for sharing your story, and hope your locks are back to being sleek and glossy


    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27576
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    Thanks very much for the info Dr James

    , I haven’t been able to make contact with my doctor regarding the dosage required (understand that it’s based on weight). Will pursue again tomorrow, and start the Ribavirin asap.

    Big learning curve….

    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27566
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    HI Dr James

    The clinician seemed really confident that 12 weeks of Sof/Dac combined with ribavirin would eliminate the virus. Though hopeful that this will be proved true, I maintain a certain sceptiscim, or at least a preparedness to continue for longer than 12 weeks.

    I wonder about if there is an optimum time to start the ribavirin? Would starting it at 4 or 8 weeks provide the same benefits as starting immediately? I would like time to put some safety nets in place !

    Cheers and thanks for the welcome

    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27563
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    HI, am new to the language here, but that sounds like great news. I have just started on Dac/Saf, day 4, and am hopeful to report positive results further down the line. Certainly feeling empowered in making the decision to take this journey, but feeling somewhat out of my depth. Sure I will be throwing medical terms around like an old hack further down the track! :)
    G3 with F3, and definitely had this beasties as a freeloader for 20years, possibly longer

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