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  • in reply to: platelets / low white blood cell count– causes #22059
    Avatar photoBob in ireland
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    Hi :) Thanks James and Coral – am relaxing for a month over in uk —

    Bob :)

    in reply to: Rightsaidfred – end of treatment #21907
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    Well done :) and every good wish for a SVR ;)

    I took my last dose last weds morning -was on sof dac for 6 months – fingers crossed

    from Bob in ireland :+1: :cheer:

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    Hi LG– no wasnt much point in doing the riba– all the indicators from several experts confirmed that–
    DR J said wait till i finish daa s in 2 weeks to see if my neutrophils bump up— 0.6 is very worringly low ….
    couldnt really find any info on sov/dac effects on WBC counts except when used with riba and we all know what havoc riba does to white blood cells..

    just hope i get svr -if i dont (covering myself in case;) ) I will prob buy new combo from buyers club asap — i was really shocked at the very rapid progression of liver disease in the last 3 years– compared to a fairly level 25 yrs of fairly level functions etc… so Im not going to chance hanging in there why the irish health people poder on decisions etc etc whils my liver state diminishes rapidly !!

    hopw your weekend id going well

    blessings from kerry
    ‘Bob “

    in reply to: the patient poodle #21210
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    :+1: :cheer: thats great news :)

    every good wish from
    bob in ireland !

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    Hi A.L. ,
    I guess that it takes time for the body to heal- -thats my own exerience and of others who have cleared the virus– thats great about the hands — play some tunes that will lift the spirits!!
    I saw on the bottom of your post that ferritin was high at the end of treatment– might be indicating higher iron levels that can cause one to feel pretty rough-at least that was my experience when my iron levels shot through the roof 10yrs ago..
    do you suffer from iron overload disorder? tryand maybe watch your iron intake ;)

    good luck
    from Bob in ireland

    in reply to: First dose today, the journey begins…. #21202
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    Good luck to all those stating /beginning treatment — I am 2 weeks left to go on 6 month treatment- gen 3a – compared to the old treatments that i did this has been relatively comfortable and doable :) Hi Simone — keep coming back am also recovering day at a time last 29yrs !!

    6 months sof/dac and 1 month on riba for first month , gen 3a F3 / 4 small varices / undetectable at 7 wks in treatment
    still undetectable

    Bob in ireland :)

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    Hi LG– thanks for that- hopefully its just a tempoarary thing– its being kept in check as you mentioned ;)

    hope all well over there in Blighty ;)

    best from

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    Hi , quick update and a few concerns — am nearly finished the sof/dac treatment — 2 weeks more – still undetectable
    but result of blood test i gave on monday showed somewhat concerning
    white bllood cell count v low at 1.2 neutrophils at 0.63 haemoglobin levels are normal- platelets up a little to 50,000
    theyve always been pretty low but this week the hepatology unit have asked me to do weekly bllod tests and to contact my local doctor if i get a temperature ..

    any help or ideas what this may be about much appreciated — am on a bit of a wobble around this currently !

    best from
    Bob in ireland

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    Thanks FB— ya will check that out -thnx for links
    even my finger joints are better when I play my guitar and bouzouki !! :)

    have a nice weekend


    Avatar photoBob in ireland
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    Hi LG– Hope all well over there!! Yes will try and ask Dr James — I will also ask my hepatolgist consultant what their take is on this–I dont think for one minute they will extend the treatrment – I became undx at 8/9 weeks– Ive also got a months supply of riba and was wondering whether to throw that in for the last month with the sof/dac to clear up any hangers on so to speak !!
    ya I have goats yoghurt live — Youre prob right was emotionally stressed am ok now !

    have a nice weekend :)

    Bob :+1:

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #20196
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    Ive been getting really bad heartburn last 10 days – its more or less gone now– I am just about to start 6th and final month of sof/dac

    feel out of sorts– very sensitive to certain things ,emotionally that is – feel inadequate — not like me at all..

    Hope all here are doing well
    from Bob in ireland

    in reply to: on tx “pulsating, heart beat, speedy feeling” #20195
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    rapid heart beat episodes can be caused by portal vein hypertension — if there is inflammation/restriction on portal bllood flow I was lead to believe that the heart is trying to compensate/regulate to the change/pressure of flow?

    I get racing heart almost like palpitations at the moment I wake up in the morning – once I am up it goes completely and only seems to happen at this time mostly …

    in reply to: 6 month end date today but continuing for another 3 #20192
    Avatar photoBob in ireland
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    Hi AA,
    I am just about to start my last month of 6 months sof/dac and was wondering whether to extend – as I am F3 with 4 varices –
    am sure youll have a a great chance of clearing with tht extra time ;)
    hope all goes well

    from Bob in ireland.

    in reply to: Splitdog in the US #20191
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    Aww Jim so sorry to hear that– am sure with all the expert support and advice here youll get started asap on a new combo to clear.
    Youre in my thoughts and prayers

    Bob in ireland

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    Hi Everyone, update here from myself – next tues I will get my last months supply of sof/dac- was still undx 3 weeks ago–
    felt a bit out of sorts last few weeks — got terribly bad heartburn for about 10 days– also am emotionally feeling quite depressed and lacking in any confidence at times– energy levels are not too bad– waking up in the mornings with my heart racing – once i get up I am fine–
    am a bit fearful and went through a whole week of thinking the virus was active again…
    heartburn has gone now- might of been due to dietary changes – a month ago stopped most carbs / sugar/sweet stuff – just eating loads of green veg with organic meat–.
    I want to ask DR James what his opinion is on me ending treatment at 6 months or whether I should add on extra time -( I d have to get generics) — and also in the worst case scenario If I did relapse(hopefully not) what combo would he recommend – its good to be prepared -just in case!
    I have a months supply of riba and was wondering on whether to add that to the sof/dac for the last month ?

    thanks all here for your support

    Bob in ireland

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