Forum Replies Created
Great advice about offering Doc Freemans published information. Kinkos should be able to make a tidy professional looking package. Do not in any way want it to come off as a cheap sales pitch. I think the statehouse thing will have to be modified, but its still something I want to do in some fashion. The last and only other time I have had this kind of emotion and raw outrage to bring me out on the streets was during the Vietnam war protests. Have mentioned that my daughter is a 4th year med student at Tufts medical in Boston. We speak often and she can likely help pinpoint the best places to target the publications for reading. Thank you Thank you Thank you
GT 1a
VL 4.9M
Since Late 60’s
Meds Cipla SOF/LED
Start June 7, 2016Thats awesome news
GT 1a
VL 4.9M
Since Late 60’s
Meds Cipla SOF/LED
Start June 7, 2016My thought process on this subject has evolved from sharing info with my wife and ex-wife and my three children and asked that we keep it at that for now. I knew my mom would support me no matter what but she is 90 y/o and I just did not want to worry her. Soon after I opened up to a few close friends here in Thailand. And then I suddenly felt like, this is so not right, people are dying and meds are availalble, people need to know. I am recently retired so I do not have to worry about workplace issues and all that but I cetainly understand, having worked for an American company based in Asia for the past 15 years. Then I wrote the letter to my mom, who of course wholeheartedly supported me. I now as a matter of duty tell everyone I meet here in Thailand that I have the virus and about the generic meds. My mantra is Talked to my ex-wife in the US a few nights ago and gave her the all clear signal. Please share my story with anyone and everyone, And if anyone asks where did he get the meds, tell them to go to or give them my contact details. All doors are open now and that dark place in my past is not so dark, not so scary anymore. It’s my obligation to share my story with all my fellow human beings. I am travelling back to the US in August for a few months to visit my mom, children, work collegues, and friends. Cannot wait to interact with all. I changed my e-mail auto signature to the logo. Cheers everyone. I Have been very fatigued this week but have a little burst of energy this morning so am going to take a blast on one of my motorcycles. Its a great day.
GT 1a
VL 4.9M
Since Late 60’s
Meds Cipla SOF/LED
Start June 7, 2016Specific things are associated with HCV and HIV infection
Drug user
HomosexualityYes in a perfect world who gives a damn how you got it but we are not there yet and In some places in the world people are punished severly for either one like a criminal.
I guess the point of my thread was/is that To this day I still feel shame for the drug injecting and am uncomfortable having the blood work because of the difficulty they have to hit a vein. I am in Thailand and can only imagine what the lab attendant is thinking as they try and try. Phuut Thai Mai Dai I cannot speak Thai to explain to them that its ok its not your fault.
It’s me
This illness has opened a dark place in my past and I am determined to make it a positive by shining a bright light on it. Cheers I welcome the support and comments from all. Price I had taken no offense to what you posted. It was very logical.
GT 1a
VL 4.9M
Since Late 60’s
Meds Cipla SOF/LED
Start June 7, 2016Hi Price
To answer your questions. No No and No.
But read this small encounter I just had and maybe you will understand.
Just an hour ago I ran into a friend at the grocery store that I had not seen for awhile. In the fist few minutes of chatting and catching up, I told him what was going on with my health and I was infected with HCV. The first words out of his mouth was. HOW DID YOU GET THAT. Now think about it. Do you think he would have responded the same if I told him I had diabetes, heart disease or cancer.
GT 1a
VL 4.9M
Since Late 60’s
Meds Cipla SOF/LED
Start June 7, 2016Hi Fitz
Sorry for the replybut I share your anger and sadness. My daughter is a 4th year med student in the US and doing hospital rounds in the infectious disease wards. She shared my buyers club story with the attending physician she works under and the doctor had never heard of the alternatives meds that are available, never mind the patients. Frustrating. I had a very good friend pass away just a few months ago from HVC. At the time I had yet to be diagnosed so was not aware of the club. The word will/is getting out there. At the beginning of my diagnosis I was only sharing with people that needed to know. Now I tell my story to everyone I meet.
BTW I loved your redemtion trials thread, having just taken my first pill the day before. Cheers brother, get well.
GT 1a
VL 4.9M
Since Late 60’s
Meds Cipla SOF/LED
Start June 7, 2016Hi Matt
Thanks for your kind words. I love the people on this site and thank god I found Greg J who showed me the way.
GT 1a
VL 4.9M
Since Late 60’s
Meds Cipla SOF/LED
Start June 7, 2016Cheers and thanks to all on this site. My first post so apologies in advance if this is not relevant but just had this first hand experience at a major liver center in Bangkok. American expat living/working in Asia for many years. Recently retired and living in Northern Thailand I discovered a month ago I was HCV active. Type 1a, F0-1, VL 4.9M, treatment naive and probably infected in the late 60’s by intervenous drug use. Had fibroscan at Samitivej Hospital in Bangkok. After fibroscan had a meeting with one of their liver specialists. He said Samitivej had very recently aquired the branded non generic Gilead meds and were currently treating folks from Thailand, HK, Singapore and surrounding countries. I was quoted a price of 145,000 THB (about $4000 USD) per month for treatment (meds and follow-up) The meds were not being sold in 12 or 24 week supplies so treatment would have to be for people local to the area or had the time to spend in country. I enrolled in the redemption e-trial but my meds were stopped at Thai customs and could not be delivered. Requested the meds be returned to sender and was promptly refunded. Many thanks to you folks for providing the truth about generics through all the (lies) disinformation and fear campaign spread by Gilead and their cohorts especially in the US. Nothing short of criminal / economic genocide IMHO. Also for people who are sceptical about the claim of a full refund if delivery of meds cannot be made. (IT’S TRUE) Luckily I was able to aquire a 12 week supply of generic harvoni in Bangkok through a trusted contact from Greg J. Have just finished my first week of meds and am happily reporting my results to the redemption etrials. Cheers and best of luck to all.
GT 1a
VL 4.9M
Since Late 60’s
Meds Cipla SOF/LED
Start June 7, 2016 -