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  • in reply to: DAAs as prophylaxis? #2311
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Hmm. I am yet to fully wrap my head around the resistance thing. Have read all the stuff on here and more. Hep c nurse said not to fuss about it much. If it comes back we’ll hit it again harder. Seems consistent with what you’ve said above. So resistance is an issue but not a big issue? Maybe this was all said in terms of the checklist she assessed my chances of SVR12 against (early responder, 1b, treatment naïve, minimal or no cirrhosis).

    I’m not worried. I’ve felt for the last week it’s all gone and I choose to believe it’s going to stay that way unless something happens to make me think otherwise. But in terms of breathing space for sicker people, it will be good if the current drugs have some use to keep more serious disease at bay until even better cures come along.

    in reply to: SVR Predictor #2244
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    I’ve wondered this too after noticing it a few days back. I’m fairly sure it’s changed from the results it gave a few weeks ago because I think I used it to search cirrhotic and non cirrhotic back then because I’m borderline and it gave Sof/dac results for both. What’s more it still gives a Sof/dac result for non cirrhotic. It makes no sense the same combo would be ineffective for cirrhotics when the non cirrhotic results are all 100%.

    They might be handy but I never completely trust these sort of internet doohickeys. I think something’s amiss with the predictor. Stick to the EASL guidelines.

    PS I have a pretty red polymer cast now Archer.

    in reply to: Reorganising the discussion forum #2211
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    • Guardian Angel
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    These are the forum guidelines of a forum I’ve been a member of since its inception.

    As a bit of background, all the original members were a bunch of Apple tragics who were members of another forum, That forum was set up in the mid 90s when Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy. That forum went through a very acrimonious split mostly because of Americans arguing American politics in an unconstructive way. Applenova formed. But then Apple took over the world, we all moved on with our lives and got a lot older. So we’re not very active today but keep the forum going so we can stay in touch.

    These are, however, still some of the best drawn up forum guidelines I’ve ever come across. They served us well and I can assure you we were a very opionated bunch who didn’t shy away from robust discussion.

    For me, points, 4, 9, 10 and 16 have always been the most important. I am guilty of breaching point 9 myself on this forum by calling my VL result thread “Science vs HCV” instead of “Chester’s 4 week VL results”. But as I never thought I’d see a medical breakthrough like the DAAs for hep c in my life time, I continue to be overawed by what science has achieved. So I cut myself a bit of slack. :P

    In terms of this forum, 9, 10 and 16 are my biggest issues at the moment. Although experience tells me the issue of disputes and bad behaviour will inevitably rear its head sooner or later. However, a well run forum that doesn’t form its own internal cliques will largely self moderate that sort of thing from what I’ve seen.

    But at the moment I struggle with the organic nature of the forum. I want to be able to find stuff more easily. It was difficult finding the drug interactions link at the hospital last week and twice I resorted to calling Greg for help. Which I prefer not to do.

    I think there is room for a compromise though by setting up a separate sub forum where more organic discussions can take place. I think this is especially pertinent regarding people’s experiences on treatment. These discussions are well suited to rambling threads where everyone can compare notes rather than individual experiences threads which seem to turn into rambling threads with everyone comparing notes anyway.

    Edit: all the credit for applenova’s guidelines go to our admins and mods of which I am not one. They have ruled us well. Like a rose in a fisted glove.

    in reply to: Emilio’s Place #2204
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Berri I’ve emailed you.

    in reply to: Security Breach Regarding Redacted PDF attachments #2134
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    I think these links might explain what’s happened. The ACT Government did the same thing a few years back.

    in reply to: Emilio’s Place #2124
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    You probably get hit by the rye grass pollen in Orange, emilio. I have a vague memory of them having asthma outbreaks from it up round Tamworth that were so bad they pushed the local hospitals to breaking point.

    I’ve had the sniffles occasionally too. Initially put it down to a side effect until a neighbor said he had exactly the same thing on the same day. I only get mild hay fever. But as the wind was up that day, that side got pushed into the hay fever column.

    I think James is going to put something else up about drug interactions when he gets the chance. For anyone who hasn’t realised (like me), when you get the result from that drug interactions site, you can then click on the little symbol for more info. But it seems the DAAs are so new that site errs on the side of caution. It indicated oxycodeine might be a problem but I let them give it to me on the basis I knew Greg had codeine on the drugs and because I knew opiates are generally pretty benign. James rang the next day and said it was fine.

    I can tell everyone not to expect doctors who don’t normally treat hep c patient to have any clue whatsoever about treatment with the DAAs. Pretty funny having the emergency doctors waiting around for me to tell them what they could or couldn’t give me.

    I may have my first bona fide side though. I’ve got a bit of a rash on my abdomen. Now I do get heat rashes in this area but it’s much more pronounced than usual. Weird thing is though, the heat rashes normally itch like hell but this isn’t the least bit itchy. Haven’t inspected it today yet cause I’ve got to get out of the sling to do so. But I figure if it’s not in any way debilitating why be bothered by it.

    in reply to: Science vs HCV #1889
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    Keep your shirt on miko.

    in reply to: Science vs HCV #1848
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    I’ll see your Rollins Band and up you some Billy Bragg, Alsdad!

    “You can be active with the activists or sleeping with the sleepers
    While you’re waiting for the great leap forward.”

    in reply to: Science vs HCV #1834
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    Nurse at Royal Hobart said that of all the patients she has now monitored, no one who was undetected at 4 weeks has relapsed.

    Based on this and the rest of our discussion with her (klhilde was with me), I will not be extending to 24 weeks.

    To answer the question, I have had no sides. My RBCs are still well within normal limits.

    However, my attitude to side effects has always been, side effects or liver cancer. It seems to me, that is a very easy choice.

    Don’t overthink it.

    in reply to: Science vs HCV #1827
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    klhilde said to say my biggest side effect is the pain from banging my head against the wall from all you indecisive people. :lol:

    in reply to: Would you like to be part of a social movement? #1751
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    Nice one Alsdad.

    I’ve already seen you doc. So you know Chester’s hep c air BnB is up and running for anyone who needs it. :)

    in reply to: Hep C 3 treatment #1724
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    Funniest story ever Vicki – on Greg’s blog. Friend and I think, when they make a movie of all this, that scene is a must. “We’d like to offer you interferon and riba.” :lol:

    in reply to: Gamma GT #1711
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    Don’t know if you’ve seen Greg’s 3 October entry Alsdad.

    First email….very disturbing.

    Second email…..somebody did it. Sprung it on them!

    Step 1 Wait until test results come in
    Step 2 Drop bombshell on two doctors
    Step 3 Profit!!!

    in reply to: Sof plus Dac or Sof plus Led? #1673
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    I am thinking the riba doesn’t go well with interferon.

    This is exactly what the hep c nurse at Royal Hobart said to me about 2 weeks ago was also their thinking. They actually think the people who are experiencing sides might be getting them mostly from the Sof. I think they’re monitoring a fair few people who have gone through Greg now. I’m going to drill her for as much info as I can when I see her on Monday. Might get to see the specialist too if I’m lucky. Think he works Monday’s.

    Also they did an FBC on me again with my VL so will be able to tell you if there’s any side of anemia yet.

    Did you get my email? I think Greg has good reason to be confident of his sources. I’m not worried about it. I just figure every day without side effects is one less day I’ll have to put up with them if they do suddenly kick in.

    in reply to: Nadia’s journey #1618
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Well, considering that most of the treatments available here in the UK are somewhat akin to cavemen clubbing the virus out of you (interferon/riba), they can talk :P

    I can’t believe how much they still seem to be prescribing it! And combining it with the new drugs.

    Sof with interferon and riba?

    Ugh! It’s like wearing dirty underwear under an Armani suit.

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