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  • in reply to: Nadia’s journey #1611
    Avatar photoChester
    • Guardian Angel
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    I was reading the UK forum when Nadia announced what she was doing. A few of the other members reacted as if she’d said she was off to see a witch doctor for a bit of voodoo therapy.

    in reply to: Nadia’s journey #1604
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    Sarcasm alert.

    But interferon is so great don’t ya know Nadia? :lol:

    You go girl!

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #1581
    Avatar photoChester
    • Guardian Angel
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    Excellent. I’m really glad you got to speak to the doc. :)

    in reply to: Sof plus Dac or Sof plus Led? #1580
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    This document will help you get an idea of what treatment your doctor is likely to recommend once you have your genotype and fibroscan done.

    This was exactly what my.specialist worked from in determining my treatment given the options then available.

    Note that it may not render properly if you’re on a tablet. It doesn’t on my iPad (it used to which is weird). All the summary boxes are blacked out. They’re the bits you want. It’s fine on my computer.

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #1578
    Avatar photoChester
    • Guardian Angel
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    Also can I ask, given your weight, were you already quite debilitated from the hep? I would imagine that could be relevant.

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #1577
    Avatar photoChester
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    Hi Johnboy,

    Do you have a hep c nurse or some health worker you can contact? Side effects seem to be very individualistic. There are 3 people (myself included) on this forum who haven’t had any side effects yet. I’m just about at the end of week 5. If you know Greg Jefferys blog

    His side effects didn’t kick in for several weeks. The hep nurse at Royal Hobart said some people were having side effects mostly fatigue, nausea and sleeplessness.

    I wish I could say more to reassure you but I don’t know how concerned to be. But if you get really worried before Doc Freeman shows up here i would urge you to err on the side of caution.

    in reply to: PBS approval “by April at the latest”??? #1555
    Avatar photoChester
    • Guardian Angel
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    Plus 10,000 new cases a year.

    in reply to: PBS approval “by April at the latest”??? #1544
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    This leaves me quite confused. If this is nearly a done deal, then why is the HepC Council of NSW, amongst others, still campaigning so hard, and why is there such a complete lack of confidence in the govt process that people are taking action like

    Because of déjà vu.

    Glad I didn’t rely on them when they said by January. Or by November. Or by August. Or by……..

    And because a lot of people don’t have the time for any more hollow promises or want to be stuck in a situation where we sit and wait until they say jump, and we ask how high on the way up.

    in reply to: Making contact with Chester #1504
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    Meant to say that Greg’s blog on the hep mag site wasn’t updating but the homestead one is.

    But now the hepmag site has too. Hadn’t seen his latest post until just now. Strangely, just yesterday, I was marvelling at my own new found hole digging abilities too. :lol:

    in reply to: Making contact with Chester #1503
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    Hi berri,

    I don’t think you opened a can of worms. She wanted to kill that thread. The complete lack of any reasoned, logical, informed argument is always a dead give away in my experience.

    Haven’t emailed Greg since start of treatment. Just because I figure he’s really busy. But I’ll be sending him a copy of my VL when I get it next week. FBC and LFTs done at 2 weeks – everything within normal range. Huge ncrease in my energy levels.

    Nope, no sides so far. I’m keen to hear about people’s experiences on treatment too so will email. Cheers. Glad you tracked me down.

    in reply to: Dr Freeman – Please help #1497
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    in reply to: HELP #1474
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    To PM, expand the blue chat bar by clicking/tapping on it, click the little cog wheel icon to see chat options, choose pm. Once the pm page opens, select the user you want to message and type in the box with the pencil icon. Do not tap return/enter to create paragraphs as this will send your message. Something I have a great deal of trouble remembering. :S

    in reply to: HELP #1375
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    That’s OK. I stumbled my way through it! And I do mean stumbled.

    in reply to: HELP #1373
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    Can we PM?

    Archer have you made enquiries about compassionate access to Dac. I got mine through Royal Hobart Hospital. Am taking it with Indian Sof and Riba.

    Dac is made by BMS not Gilead.

    in reply to: Gamma GT #1348
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    That’s fantastic news Alsdad. Congratulations. I would have thought not much point testing again until the end of treatment if there are no signs to the contrary.

    Just out of interest, have doctors given you any indication as to testing you under the NHS when treatment ends. Does having used drugs from OS preclude you from testing on an ongoing basis (under NHS that is?) The refusal to monitor in the UK strikes me as particularly reprehensible almost to the point of being unethical. I mean if they’re that concerned about Chinese drugs then surely doing no harm would mean monitoring people who chose to go down that route against medical advice.

    I was a dance teacher and extremely physically fit before HVC and other factors intervened. My joint and muscle aches have improved but there is still a way to go. My theory is that I’ve simply been so physically inactive and unfit for so long it’s going to take a while to get it back. And I’m 10 years older now. Gotta allow for that.

    But I would add to the other improvements I noted in another thread that that god awful bloated feeling has gone.

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