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  • in reply to: How manny GT3’s on this forum are cured? #26219
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    After around 30years of living with Hep c, geno 3 I am cured :woohoo:
    Cannot thank Dr Freemen and Monkmed enough!!!
    #flower #flower #flower

    in reply to: Off to a great start #24904
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    “Remarkable” is a huge understatement in terms of how I feel. :woohoo: Literally cannot believe it. Was amusing showing my local GP the latest blood test figures. He has struggled with concept of importing generic medicines and how it can be allowed and passed thru our very strict customs. but was no hiding he could not believe latest test results (nor did he be-grudge my results – but he interestingly – did not feel comfortable recommending to other Hep C patients.) This makes me feel sad for all those that do not know about this very positive change for us Hep C sufferers. Cannot be grateful enough to Fix Hep C team and MonkMed for making this available to those of us without large financial support – defies common human decency to our species that this cure is not available to everyone worldwide that is effected. As a recipient of this I am eternally grateful plus feeling very bloody good haha :P
    I have noticed there are few from NZ on this site. If you are from our “Aotearoa” and unsure or have any queries please feel free to contact me. I am a “straight shooter” who will give an honest opinion from my experiences.
    Thanks are not words enough for Dr Freeman & the Fix Hep C team and Monk med for even offering this opportunity. From my dealings with professionals thru this journey I have very much come to the conclusion that the doctors who are responsible for us having the opportunity to cure Hep C are without doubt leaders in their field and should be applauded for their brave stance in face of drug companies and their monopoly on cures! Not sure if my comments are appropriate given PC world we live in but as a “human” I have no hesitation sharing my experiences with this “illness” that effects so many.
    Reason for my “rant” is I asked my doctor if he tells his other Hep C patients about this option and he eventually admitted he didn’t. Makes me feel like taking ad in local paper :idea:

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    I completely agree – don’t even hesitate! The people I dealt with were very helpful and lovely :cheer: I couldn’t believe how easy it was. Nearly two months into treatment now and feel better than I have in a very long time. Itchy skin nearly gone, energy back and don;t need to sleep all the time. Go for it :+1:

    in reply to: Day 1… here we go #24890
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    Hi all, I have not written a post before but have found reading everyone else’s experiences so helpful. I live in NZ and am Hep C gen 3, which recently discovered I had managed to get over 30 years ago. For a long time I have not felt well so was actually kind of relieved to discover the cause of all my health problems (itchy skin, tiredness etc). I did not hesitate to contact Dr Freeman after I researched my options. The doctors I have dealt with here in NZ were very supportive. My specialist from Auckland said they would take it if they had hep c – can’t get better recommendation than that!
    Anyway, am now nearly 2 months into Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir combination and am feeling fantastic. :+1: Will admit though had a couple of crap weeks to start with and did sleep a few days away but now have energy levels that I had forgotten existed haha. First bloods have just come back but haven’t talk to doctor yet to get full picture – from what I can see looks heaps better. I feel very blessed that this cure has become available just when I was diagnosed because past treatments do not sound that great! All the best to everyone on this journey #flower

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