Forum Replies Created
Thank you, Coral… Yes, we were! So funny looking back on it… Just a bunch of people getting into rebirth! We should see “the life” like this everyday…
Blessings to you all!Here I am again! It has been a while since I ve been here! Still so proud I was the first little Belgian girl on this forum.
I need to pass by here to say Happy Newyear again!
Need to take some time to write here, because that period I cured, back in 2015, was a very magical day! Too magical lol… Manic, I would say, lol…
I come to the forum today, because I was having a “bad” day. But just reminding me of the day of my cure, makes me forget the bad and, and go on happily… Love to you all from Belgium, thank you Gary and Dr. Freeman , I Will always love you from Whitney Houston lol, Bodyguard… Lol
People who did not go through this… Well… Other levels…Big up to you all… Kiss from Belgium, lifeOohw!!! You just hot cured, Paul!?!? Wow, Amazing…So you are slowly building up, heej!
So,…What are you doing differently then before???? I can do pilates everyday now!!! With thé desease it was just possible once in a while. Keep me posted! Send messages to Belgium, LolLG! Back on the forum After a long Time!!! Great that everything turned out well. How are you doing right now??? Kisses from a lovely upcoming Spring in Belgium!!!
Hello everyone!!!!
Woooowwwww, I used to be number 40 on the forum….And now…Almost 3000????
Wauw! Where is the Time!!!
Spring is in the air overhere in Belgium!!!
I m going to start reading the messages, cause I haven t been on the forum for a long Time!!!!!
Wish everyone well!!!! LOVE AND AMOUR to all of you! Second Spring without HepC
Thank you Dr.Freeman and Gregg!!!
XxxxxxxxxxxHello Everyone, My friends!!
I have been 5 months off forum! My God! Life…Life goes so fast…Litterly…
In june I did my bloodtests, and the only thing I had to work on were a lot of vitamins. I’m strong now…
It has been 14 months ago since I’ve started treatment!!!I’m wondering how you’re all doing!! I’m trying to read all of your posts!
So many people complain about so tiny miny problems.
I think we all got to a higher level!!!
Sometimes I even see that people underestemate how independent you are, just because they’re not aware of what you’ve gone through…
It became my strength! Sometimes people don’t u,derstand what moves me to be so independent and a joy of life…LOLAnyways! I hope you all are doing well!! (Hope for London Girl and Ariel aswell!
I keep on praying for everyone to get the most out of…LIFE!!…Stability, strength and love, joy, happiness!
Hugs and kisses, Life!
Hey Ariel!!
I’ve been reading all your posts, have been away for a long time!
Damn, girl! Sorry to hear all this!!
My prayers are with you! 2017 has to bring some good!
Kisses and hugs!
I want to hop en bop with you too, you girls!!
Matt-Kenney-google wrote:Who dat be splashin’ her “Awesome Aussie” ALT < 9 self all over us ?? Keep it up A, we're lovin' it
I love this pic, especially made for you Ariel, thanks for pumping up the great vides over and over again...
Congrats on all the great news!
Keep on singing your songs!
Love from lifeHey LG!
I haven’t been a lot on the forum, shame on me…but occupied with dance-performances and all..
I still feel tired from time to time…my body adjusting to the new situation of other foods, I gained 4 kilos and feel rather fat right now, if you know what I am trying to say…LOLI’m extremely happy with your results, cause you had to wait and be patient so much at the beginning of treatment, you had to go through so much, and endure all this shit…
Anyways, Love to you, my love from the UK…
Keep well, you’re so gonna make it!LondonGirl wrote:Life
So happy to read – I send you
and great
Salut !Thanks, Suszz!!
Ariel wrote:Life! Salut! Congrats on this news and bisous from Ariel
Trop trop moment heureux!
Alors you may fill your glass
Again Salut!
Ariel, coral!, 2B! GT2 and 3 LOL, Gay, PAT 1..and everyone thanks for the amazing beautiful wishes…
I feel great, I mean better then before for sure…
My body and liver just had to adjust to ALL the things I eat now, It’s like I can’ts stop eating what I like and gained at least 3 kilos.
Love fries, and spaghetti, the prisonner out of his prisoncel, disciple all gone Lol
I will be starting my organic diet on monday again…I have been doing this for years and years, now it seems all so boring…LOL
Gone with discipline…
I hope you guys are doing well, keep on writing me please, thanks!!!Life
Matt-Kenney-google wrote:I saw your postings elsewhere on the forum Life, but I just caught up to your GREAT NEWS here. CONGRATS SIS!
Just had dinner out with my wife last night at our favorite little Italian restaurant. Miss not having a glass of vino with her and it. So, as a favor to a “future” fellow member of the hep C free club, (just completed 3 weeks on treatment) could I ask you to tip a glass for us please?In the meantime, a Deep Thought by Jack Handey comes to mind here.
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed.
Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams.
If I didn’t drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered.
Then I say to myself, “It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.”To, Life! Cheers!
Ohw Thank you for writing me! Your a Benjamin! 3 weeks on it ,feels great…just wait till the day you re going to get your first glass of alcohol in the new world…!! I’m going to have another one today! Keep me posted!
Thank you for the poetry…And good luck on treatment!Over and over
you kept on pushing us down to the floor
We couldn’t walk away
Over and over
You kept on coming back for more
We were your victims-fantasy
Now that it is over
You just get us down with your smile
We see behind your eyes
Now that it is over
No more intoxicating our minds
We just have beaten the DEVIL out of us!LOL
I’m making it official today, just got my mail from the doc.
No detection at 18 weeks
(first test after…I was sure about it so…
It’s thursday-evening overhere, I’m preparing to go out and have…A DRINK!
Belgium needs to wake up
No other Belgians detected on these meds in one of the 2 most major Hospitals of Belgium…
Tomorrow I’m gonna send my important letter to our minister of Health!Waar zijn jullie? Vous êtes ou??
Where are you Belgian guys? Send me some mails!Kisses to the whole forum!